Page 11 of Saving Baby Amy

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‘He’s comfortable and in no danger. He needs care, he has smoke inhalation and burns to his arm, but they’ll heal.’

‘Thank you... Thank you...’

That smile again. The one that would have calmed a charging rhino. Or made a stone feel something. ‘I hear your husband was a hero.’

Tears rolled down Kathy’s cheeks. ‘He told me to go downstairs. He went to fetch Nicky and rolled him up in a blanket...’

‘The doctor said that you could see him for ten minutes. I can take you down, and bring you straight back here to be with Nicky.’

Kathy’s gaze moved to her son and then back to Jon, in a dilemma. Nicky was lying quietly at the moment, but he was going to need his mother’s comfort when the trauma of the last few hours started to sink in.

‘Will you let me watch Nicky for you while you’re gone? I’ll call you if there’s any change or if he becomes distressed.’ Chloe spoke up.

‘Would you...?’ Kathy was still uncertain.

‘I’ll stay right here, by his bed. I can call Jon, and he’ll bring you straight back here.’

Jon nodded, taking his phone from the trouser pocket of his scrubs and putting it in Kathy’s hand. ‘Here. Hang onto it for me.’

Kathy nodded. ‘I’d like to see him. I want to tell him—’

Jon got to his feet, smiling. ‘He’ll be wanting to hear it. And Chloe will keep a good eye on Nicky. If we all share the load, we can cover everything.’

* * *

Chloe had been wondering whether that last comment had been aimed at her. Jon’s glance had flipped momentarily towards her when he’d said it, and she’d pretended not to notice.

He took Kathy away, and brought her back again twenty minutes later. Even though his shift had ended almost an hour ago, he waited until Kathy’s sister arrived, taking ten minutes to change out of his scrubs and then returning to the ward. This time Chloe couldn’t help a little thrill of excitement because he was quite obviously here just for her.


‘Shouldn’t you be getting home for some sleep?’ Her treacherous heart hoped that he wouldn’t go.

‘I’m not quite tired enough yet.’

They left Amy playing quietly and walked down to the canteen. Jon piled a plate full of all the breakfast items on the menu and Chloe rummaged in her handbag for the small sachet of teabags.

‘Hot water? Or can I tempt you to something else?’ He gestured towards the pile of flapjacks.

‘No, that’s okay. I’ll watch you eat.’

They found a table in a quiet corner and Jon attacked his food like a man who hadn’t eaten in the last week. She waited until he slowed a little, sipping her tea.

‘So how’s Kathy’s husband?’

‘Second-and third-degree burns on the top of his arm and shoulder. He could well need skin grafts.’

‘But he’ll be okay.’

‘Yes. Apparently he was pretty lucky to escape with just that.’

‘He knew Kathy was there?’

Jon’s face broke into a smile. ‘He was drowsy from the pain relief but he knew all right. Brave man.’

‘Going to fetch Nicky like that.’

‘Yes. And the way he told Kathy that it all looked worse than it felt, and that she wasn’t to worry about him. He was okay, and she should stay with Nicky.’

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