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‘I want to thank Celia for being with us—with me—tonight and, as I said, the lines will be open for another hour so that anyone who’d like a call-back can leave their number. And finally I want to thank the very special person whose own courage inspired me to take this first step tonight. Goodnight, everyone.’

Rhona let out a long breath. ‘That whole programme was the most moving thing I’ve heard in a long while.’

‘Yes.’ Alex felt almost numb.

‘What does it mean?’

‘It means...’ She shrugged. ‘He means exactly what he says. Leo always means what he says on the radio.’

‘He and him?’

‘No. It’s what he said. He’s taking the first step on a long road. It takes a long while to turn a life around.’

‘So what are you going to do?’

‘I don’t know.’ Alex thought hard. ‘Yes, I do. Those pictures of Alice you took the other day, with her blade...’

‘Alice?’ Light dawned suddenly on Rhona’s face. ‘He was the anonymous donor?’

Alex nodded.

‘That’s generous.’ Rhona nodded in approval. ‘You know, I thought he was a bit of a rotter at first, but he’s not such a bad guy at all.’

‘No. He’s a very good guy. Just not my guy.’

* * *

If anything, Leo’s message had given Alex some closure, and she guessed that maybe that had been his intention. She was getting back on her feet again. Bruised and still feeling broken, but she was getting there.

Justin’s voice on the phone didn’t make her heart leap, hoping that he had some news of Leo. She knew what Leo was doing, and he wished her well, and she could put those thoughts away now.

‘Alex, how are you?’ Justin didn’t stop for an answer. ‘I want to ask you a favour.’

‘What is it?’ As long as it had nothing to do with Leo, she’d be happy to do whatever Justin asked.

‘Will you listen in at ten tonight? Just for fifteen minutes.’

‘Ten o’clock? That’s the music hour, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, on Friday nights it’s two hours. But that doesn’t matter. All I’m asking is fifteen minutes. I need you to promise.’

Whatever this was, Justin was being a bit overdramatic. But that was Justin. ‘Okay. Fifteen minutes, at ten o’clock. What do you want me to do then?’

‘Feedback. That’s all. Do you promise?’

‘Yes, I promise.’

‘Fantastic. I’ll put you on the list. Got to go...’

* * *

Alex settled down on the sofa with a cup of tea and a pencil and pad, and switched on the radio at exactly ten o’ clock. She’d listen for fifteen minutes, give her feedback and then go to bed. There was going to be a climbing group going down to Sussex tomorrow and she had to be up early.

‘And this is Clemmie Rose, with two hours of music for you to keep you cool and relaxed on a Friday evening. If there’s someone out there you want to send a message to, then just call in. But first...’

Alex picked up her pencil. This must be it.

‘Hi, Clemmie.’
