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‘Are you going to make me wait, Leo?’

‘No, honey. We’ve waited long enough.’ He started to move and the trembling excitement turned into a roar. She didn’t have to reach for the orgasm—it was just there, building inside until she came in his arms.

‘Again?’ He kissed her neck, and she shivered at the touch of his lips against her skin.


He changed position slightly, angling his hips to set off a shower of new sensations. ‘Again.’

* * *

After she’d come the second time, her body straining against his so hard that Leo had almost lost himself, she’d rolled him over onto his back and climbed on top of him. His sweet Alexandra. Taking him until all he knew was that he’d surrendered to her completely, and all he wanted to do was to shout her name out loud.

Perhaps he had. He thought he might have done, but then she’d pushed him further than he’d ever been before. She was strong and athletic, and yet soft at the same time, and when she pinned him down he could watch each movement of her body. Feel each corresponding sensation.

He didn’t even properly remember what the orgasm had felt like. Just that he was being pulled into it by an overwhelming force. And that by the time she was done with him all he could do was to curl up with her on the bed, still craving her touch, but more content than he’d thought he ever could be.

* * *

They’d slept a little, and then talked a little. Then Leo had gone downstairs to fetch a bottle of champagne. Just the right thing at the right time. Leo, who charmed his way through every situation so adroitly. Only at the moment he seemed deliciously clumsy, spilling half the contents of his glass on the pillow when he pulled her close again to kiss her. And, when he ran a bath, climbing into the hot, foaming water with her, half of it slopped all over the floor and he had to get out and mop the mess up.

Even that was bliss. Lying back in the water, watching his strong body. Each flex of muscle, every square inch of perfect flesh, was capable of giving pleasure. And he was all hers for the night.

And she was his. When the sun rose, he caught her up from the bed, carrying her over to the window, and they watched the flaming sky together. Then breakfast in bed, tangled in each other’s arms. And then they made love again. Lazy, sensual, not driven by the urgency of last night, but time enough to explore each sensation together.

* * *

When Leo opened his eyes, the sun was high in the sky and Alex was still sleeping. He watched her for a while, wondering vaguely what time it was. It didn’t matter. There was nothing that he could think of to do today, except share it with her.

A quiet beep sounded from downstairs. Must be her phone. Only...

His phone wasn’t on the nightstand, where it usually lay. Suddenly he was on the move. Rolling out of bed, grabbing his underwear and running down the stairs. When he’d left his phone downstairs he’d reckoned on retrieving it later in the evening but, wrapped in the warmth of their lovemaking, he’d forgotten all about it.

He picked it up, letting out a sharp curse. Three messages, two missed calls. He scrolled through the messages. Justin’s could wait. Evie had texted to say that she and Arielle were leaving London for a few days and they’d catch him when they got back. And there was one from Aleesha, saying that she and Bobby had enjoyed their day yesterday and that they’d have to do it all again some time.

He smiled, walking into the kitchen as he flipped over to the missed calls. Two from his mother. Suddenly the past reared up and smacked him in the face and his hand shook as he pressed the icon to return the call.

‘Come on... Come on.’ The call switched to voicemail and he ended it. No, he didn’t want to leave a message.

He called again and this time his mother answered.

‘Mum... Everything okay?’ He heard the tremor in his voice.

‘Yes, of course it is, darling. I was just calling to remind you about dinner on Tuesday. With Carl and Peter.’

‘Oh...yeah. I’ve got it in my diary. Thanks, Mum.’

‘Leo. Whatever’s the matter?’

There was seldom any way of fooling her acute radar when it came to her son.

‘Nothing...’ That wasn’t going to wash. She’d only start worrying about him. ‘I had a long day yesterday, and I didn’t sleep much last night. I’ve only just got up and there are a load

of messages on my phone.’

‘Oh, for goodness’ sake, Leo. It’s Sunday. They can wait, can’t they?’

‘Yeah. Okay, Mum. Look, I’m standing in my underwear in the kitchen.’
