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“I’m not uncomfortable.”

“Yes, you are. You were never uncomfortable when talking about sex before.”

“We aren’t talking about sex. We’re talking about food.”

“Yeah, whatevs.” She makes a face at me with her mouth full. “Wawawa fla—”

“English, please.” I stuff a fry into my mouth and chew thoughtfully, trying to suppress a laugh.

She swallows, crosses her eyes and sticks her tongue out. “Whatever floats your boat, baby girl.”

“So what’s up?”

“I thought you didn’t want any details about my sex life.”

“Very funny.” Sighing dramatically, I take a bite from my burger. Mmm. “I regret to inform you that your sex life isn’t among my top interests right now. I do get a live show every night with Amber and Jesse, after all. Too much of the same can get boring.”

She shakes her head. “Gotcha. Too much virtual sex.”

Right. ‘Virtual’ being the operative word here. “How’s your brother?”

Her brows shoot up to her hairline. “You have the hots for my brother?”

“You make it sound like a disease. Let’s just say he’s not bad-looking. Hey, don’t look at me like that. It’s not the first time I asked you about him.”

“Joel is… sort of taken.”

“Is that the same as sort of pregnant?”

Ev giggles. “No, but he’s been in love with this girl for ages, and she just never seems to notice. Poor guy.”

“Hm. So I’ll strike Joel off my list, then.”

“What list is that?”

“The list of guys whose fortune I want to read.”

“Is that a code word for sex?”

“No.” I poke at a fry. Yes? Maybe? “What about Ocean’s brother?”

“What about him?”

“Has he ever been around? I bet he’s hot, too.”

“I don’t think he’s been around, no—and a good thing, too, because the few times Ocean mentioned his name, he sounded upset with him.”

“He did?” Huh. I’ve never seen Ocean upset. Like, ever. He’s always smiling and laughing and cracking jokes. Filing that information to poke at later, I push my plate away. “What about Jesse’s roommates? They’re just so—”

“Kay.” Ev puts down her half-eaten burger and nails me with her gaze. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Only I can lie to Ev even worse than I can lie to myself. “I’m just in a strange funk. Maybe I need to get out, hit the bars tonight.”


“Yeah.” I make puppy eyes at her. “Will you come? Pretty please with sugar on top and ice cream in the middle?”

She laughs. “God, let me check with Micah, okay? One sec.”
