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Oh yeah. Fuck everything else but this. She gets me so hard, I can’t help myself. One touch from her, her sweet lips wrapped around my dick, and I’m gone.

But she does more than that. She’s learned what I like over the years, and she likes driving me

crazy with lust. She swirls her tongue over the head of my dick, bobs her head, sucking on my hard-on like a lollipop, and suddenly my balls lift, and my belly clenches.

Despite having gone one round already, I won’t last. No way. I’m right on the edge of another orgasm, and I stroke her soft hair out of her face, my hand unsteady, to see her face, to see her sucking me in.

Her eyes meet mine, sparkling, and that’s it, what pushes me right over the edge, freefalling into pleasure.

So much pleasure, whenever I’m with her. My girl.

As I come down to earth, still trying to catch my breath, I lift her up, hold her against my chest. This woman… Loving her? There’s nothing like it. But being loved by her?

It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.

* * *

Evan isn’t anywhere to be seen when I come down the stairs, my dick tucked away in my pants, not to burn the retinas of small, innocent girls, and my shirt buttoned up.

“Melissa?” I call out, checking the living room and finding it empty, then the kitchen. “Evan! Where are you?”

Worry starts gnawing at my gut when I can’t find them anywhere. Did something happen to Evan? Or the girl? I throw the house door open, and I step outside, into the darkening evening. A cold wind whips my clothes against my body when I go down the porch steps.

A truck is parked outside the fence, and there’s Evan, Melissa holding his good hand, talking to a guy. Something about him is familiar, and an unpleasant shiver skitters down my spine.

The guy isn’t alone, either, I see as I walk down the path toward them. Two buddies of his are leaning against his pickup truck, arms folded over their chests, trying to look intimidating.

My hackles rise.

“I’m not coming back to work, Jasper,” Evan is saying, his voice barely controlled. His hold on Melissa looks painful. The girl squirms, tugging on his hand, and he doesn’t seem to notice, hunched over on himself. “I told you, I quit. Hell, I’m done with the garage, and this town.”

“You’re not going anywhere, Evan,” Jasper says, his voice a low, menacing growl, his face in shadow. He jabs a finger at Evan’s chest. “I’m not letting you go.”

“You can’t fucking stop me.”

“Sure I can. I own this town, and you damn well know it.”

“So you’ve said before. Won’t change my mind.”

What the hell is this about? Worse yet, Evan doesn’t sound incredulous at this thinly veiled threat. Only tired. And Jesus Fuck, has this happened before?

“What’s going on here?” I step beside Evan, and he glances at me, his face pinched, gaze weary. “Jasper.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. Matt Hansen? Last person I expected to see here.” If anything, Jasper’s stance turns more aggressive, chest puffed out, head tilted back, his hands clenching into fists.

Just like mine are.

“Didn’t know I had to report my whereabouts to you,” I mutter.

“Oh, that’s right. You felt you had every right to skip town and leave your friends behind.” His eyes skip to Evan, then back to me. His lifts his thinning brows.

Motherfucker. “I did what was best for my kids. Which is more than I can say about you, Jasper Jones.”

He chuckles like I’ve said something funny. “You’re dating my daughter. Was that a jab about that? You think you’ll be my son-in-law, and we’ll have beers and barbecue together, that it?”

I take a step forward, coming up short against the low picket fence. Not that it’ll stop me if I go off on Jasper Jones. “We’re not dating. We’re married with a kid on the way. But oh, I forgot, you probably don’t know all this. Because you don’t fucking care about your kids. Never have.”

“How dare you talk to me like that, you good-for-nothing dick.” Jasper’s face has darkened. I wonder if he’s stroking out. If anyone ever talks back to him since I left town. “I’m gonna beat you to a pulp.”
