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“I know how you think,” he claimed as he pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me. “You think I could be this in love with you and not know?”

I grumbled against his chest even though my heart skipped a beat hearing that he loved me. I guessed—or at least I hoped, but…knowing was another thing.

Knowing was everything.

“You love me?” I whispered so low I’d be surprised if he heard. I was staring up at him with so much hope that I hadn’t heard wrong even though he couldn’t see it because his eyes were closed.

“You know I do. You’ve known all along.” It came out like a growl, signaling his annoyance that I wouldn’t let him sleep. I’d already interrupted the sound sleep he’d been in when I drunkenly stumbled in and hopped on the wrong cock.

I should have felt more regret than I did, but as my lids slowly lowered and my breathing deepened, I decided that was tomorrow’s problem.


Three days until Christmas

My eyes opened the next morning, and the first thing I saw was tanned skinned and man nipple. I blinked to clear my vision before letting my head fall back. Exhaling my relief, I smiled at the cute face Paxton was making in his sleep.

He always looked so adorable when he slept.

I wrestled my hand free to cup his cheek and run my fingers through his hair. I didn’t want to wake him, but I couldn’t resist.

His eyes slowly opened, and when our gazes met, I gasped.

Pale blue.

His eyes were pale blue.

Seeing my panic, Nick reacted quickly, rolling on top of me before I could flee. “Good morning, sunshine.”

“Get off me, you prick!” I kicked and slapped to no avail while Nick grinned like an idiot and held me down.

“I thought we’d gotten past this, Elle.” He was frowning now as if I’d truly hurt his feelings.

“You’re insane. You’re insane,” I repeated as if only realizing it myself.

“If I’m crazy, it’s because of you. It’s because I’m crazy for you. Now tell me what I can do to make you accept that this is happening.”

“Do you not care even a little what this will do to Paxton?”

Nick’s frown was genuine this time as he scowled down at me. “Nobody cares about my brother more than I do.”

“And you think I don’t?”

He scoffed as he lifted off me and stood from the bed before grabbing his jeans and pulling them on. “I think if you did as much as you claim, you’d admit that you don’t love him.”

I stood as well, keeping the sheet wrapped around me when I stood in front of him. I so didn’t want to have this argument with my boobs and twat hanging out.

“We have problems, Nick. That’s what happens in relationships, but you work through them. You fight. You’d know that if you tried being in one instead of screwing girls and discarding them when you’re done.”

“So that’s your deal?” he spat. “You’re leading my brother on because you can’t risk falling for the twin who can’t commit?” I slapped him, but when I tried a second time, he caught my wrist and squeezed. “Make this the last time you hit me, or I’ll even the playing field.”

“Let me go!” I didn’t even want to talk about how screwed up I had to be getting turned on by his threat. I had enough problems.

Like how was I going to explain a pussy full of cum to my boyfriend?

Paxton wasn’t exactly the trusting type.

He didn’t like surprises, and he didn’t like not being in control.

Nick surprisingly let me go, and I turned away from him to search for my phone.

Where did I—

I spotted my pink case peeking out from underneath the bed and snatched my phone from the floor. The screen immediately lit up, and I noticed my battery was almost dead, but then I frowned when I didn’t see any texts or missed calls from Paxton.

I knew we had our problems, but I didn’t want to believe we’d fallen so far he no longer cared what happened to me.

Instead of getting angry, desperation filled me as I pulled up his number and tapped the call button. It rang once before going to voicemail. I tried again with the same result.

Maybe his phone had died.

Or maybe he’d turned it off.

Knowing Paxton, I knew which possibility was the most likely.


I’d just have to find him.

I’ll tell him what happened and beg for his forgiveness. It’d be rough, but…we could get past it.

“Do you even know my brother at all?” Nick asked the moment I turned around. I could see on his face that he knew what I planned to do. “He won’t forgive you, Elle. Even if he still wanted you, he wouldn’t forgive you. Do you know why? Because Paxton takes what he wants. There is no middle ground with him. It’s all or nothing.”

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