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“Or they have to come here to collect their drinks.”

Irritated, Best chugged his beer. When it was empty, he tossed the cup into the nearest trash and faced the guard once more.

“These are both for me.”

“I see.” The guard seemed amused. “Enjoy the concert, guys.”

Dean exited first, while Best grumbled behind him about nosy assholes.

“He was just doing his job, man. Let it go,” Dean said.

“Well, his job blows. And this coming from the guy who almost took off the bitchy bartender’s head?”

“He was being a prick.”

“How come you didn’t get another one?” Best asked.

“Just not feeling it.” Plus, Dean hoped he’d be driving Violet home later if his friend succeeded in hooking up with Tracy.

Dean picked up the pace, wanting to get back to Violet and see her reaction to the wine. As they came down the grass, Dean saw that her pint-sized admirer was back, pushing his way between Tracy and Violet as they danced. When she caught sight of Dean, Violet appeared relieved, almost happy to see him. His reaction to that glow of joy was unsettling. It was as if her warm gaze was pulling him to her by an invisible rope and he was powerless to resist.

When he finally broke through the crowd, he held out the cup of wine to her. “Since you’re not really a fan of beer.”

Her smile flashed so big and bright, it nearly blinded him. “That was very considerate of you.”

“I’m a considerate guy.”

She didn’t comment as she took the wine; she just kept smiling.

The short dude glanced between them and held his hand out to Dean. “I’m Robert.”

“Dean.” The guy actually tried to squeeze Dean’s hand harder than necessary, and Dean resisted the urge to crush the soft, dainty fingers in his.

“How do you know Violet?” Robert pulled his hand back and flexed it as if Dean had hurt him.

Little pussy.

Dean opened his mouth to answer, but Violet jumped in by taking his hand. “Dean and I have a friends-with-benefits thing going on.”

Dean’s mouth hung open for half a second, then snapped shut as Robert’s expression shuttered and his lips thinned.

“I see. You didn’t mention you were seeing anyone before,” he said.

“Honestly, we don’t really tell anyone. Like I said, we’re casual. It works really well, since we’re both so busy,” Violet lied smoothly, impressing Dean further. Of all the things she could have said to run Robert off, he’d have never suspected she’d be bold enough for this.

Then again, she had pointed out that he had judged her too quickly and had no idea what she was capable of.

“Well, I don’t want to intrude, so I’ll catch up to my group. Nice to meet you.”

“You, too,” Dean said to Robert’s back.

Tracy exploded into exaggerated giggles once Robert was gone. “Oh my God, I almost died! I can’t believe you said that to him.”

“Neither can I.” Dean held up their entwined hands with a raised eyebrow. “Very convincing, but I don’t think casual FWBs hold hands.”

Violet pulled her hand from his and took a sip of wine before responding. “Thank you for playing along.”

“Who says I’m playing?” He spoke quietly, hoping that Tracy and Best wouldn’t hear.
