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Violet hadn’t had a lot of friends to begin with, but most of them disappeared that first year. “Her house is depressing,” she’d hea

rd one girl say, and another had told her she was scared of Violet’s dad. It made sense; the girl had slept over one of the nights when her dad had ransacked her room for money and then screamed at her for over ten minutes before taking off. The only friend who had stuck it out was Tracy. Probably because Tracy understood how scary life could get.

But despite all the dark spots in Violet’s life, the isolation and tough situations, it had been worth it to keep her family together.

And once again, she’d drifted off while Robert was talking. Damn it.

“Anyway, now that things are different, maybe we could get dinner sometime? My schedule will get crazy again once school starts, but my weekends are wide open now.”

Violet didn’t have a lot of experience blowing guys off, but she’d watched Tracy master the skill. Violet just wouldn’t be as blunt. “Oh, Robert, that is super sweet, but I have a lot going on. My sister is going away to college in a few weeks, and between my job, my brother, and school, I don’t have a lot of time for dating.” Violet said a silent prayer that he’d drop the subject.

“Really? You don’t have time for just one drink?”

“I wish I could, but I’m just too busy.”

“We could keep it casual. Why don’t I bring dinner by your place? Are you still living at your dad’s?”

His persistence was another thing she remembered now. It was super annoying.

Glancing around, Violet caught sight of Dean towering above the nearby crowd. He was still except for the slight bob of his head to the beat of the music. She didn’t actually think that Dean would rescue her, not after he had practically run away from her, but at this point, she was desperate. Staring hard at him, she willed him to turn her way.

Come on, dude! Make yourself useful.

“Believe me, if anyone would understand being busy, it’s me. With my extensive schedule at school, I hardly ever leave my apartment.” He gave her what she assumed was supposed to be a sultry look. “But I would definitely make time for you.”

“That is such a nice thing to say, Robert, but I hardly even see Tracy anymore. I don’t think I’ll be free to date anyone until after this last semester, at least.”

Violet glanced back toward Dean, redoubling her efforts to get his attention. Dean finally turned, and she widened her eyes.

“Well, if you can make time for Tracy, I’m sure you could squeeze me in.”

Dean raised his eyebrow, and Violet flicked her eyes down to Robert and back.

“That’s true, I could, but wouldn’t you rather date a girl who is more available?”

“No, I like that you’re busy. It means you won’t get too clingy, unlike my last girlfriend, who wouldn’t stop calling or texting, even when I told her I had to study.”

Violet had a sneaking suspicion it was the other way around but didn’t say that. Shooting pleading eyes at Dean, she tried once more. Rescue me. Now.

Dean, the bastard, grinned at her but made no move to help her.

Defeated, Violet tried waiting until Robert stopped talking about the supposed clingy girlfriend, but there seemed to be no end in sight.

“Hey, Robert, sorry, but I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” she said, cutting off the rest of his bullshit.

Releasing her waist, he reached for her hand with a smile. “That’s fine, I’ll walk you over.”

“You know, that’s okay. I think my breakfast burrito isn’t sitting well, so it may be awhile,” she said.

Robert seemed at a loss for what to say, so she made a break for it.

Thank you, Morgan Tookers. Diarrhea does shut down everything.

Violet searched through her tote and grabbed a strip of gum from the back. Between the wine and the dancing, her breath was smelling kind of rank. She kept walking in the direction of the restroom, despite the fact that she didn’t actually have to go. It was disappointing that this whole day was shaping up to be a bust.

Someone brushed against Violet’s shoulder, and she turned, expecting to find that Robert had caught up to her. Only it was Dean, looking far too hot considering the evil soul that lurked beneath the surface. “I see you managed to escape.”

The balls on this guy. He had encouraged her attention, ditched her, and then, when she really needed a hero, had left her to flounder.
