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“Is that an invitation?” he asked.

“As long as you don’t try any of them on, I’m okay with it,” she said. His startled expression set her off into peals of laughter. When he set her on her feet, she had to lean against him she was so overcome with mirth.

“For the record, I have never worn women’s underwear.”

“Just one more thing I like about you,” she said breathlessly.

“So, wait, are you saying you like-like me?” he teased.

“No, but I’m toying with the idea,” she said.

“Why you gotta be so cold?” he asked.

Raising herself on tiptoe, she gave him a kiss so heated the air around them turned humid. “Take me back to your place, and I’ll show you how hot I can be.”

OLIVER PULLED INTO his driveway and practically jumped out of the car. He had probably broken the speed limit and performed several California rolls, but he’d wanted to let Beast outside and get him all squared away before Eve got there.

Seeing her headlights in the distance, he rushed inside, but as soon as he stepped through the door he knew something was wrong. The metallic smell of blood was strong, and as he came around the side of the couch and flipped on the light, he saw the mangled bars of the cage where it looked like Beast had bitten through the metal. Only he hadn’t chewed the hole big enough, and his large head and neck were stuck. His flat, brown muzzle was covered in blood, and he whimpered softly, hardly moving.

“Fuck,” Oliver said. He knelt on the floor, and blood seeped into his pants as he studied the way the metal had scraped and gouged into Beast’s skin, cutting into the muscle. It looked as if he’d been struggling for hours, and his movements had just further embedded the sharp, broken metal.

“Okay, buddy, I know it hurts, but you need to stay still, okay? I’m going to get something to cut the wire.”

“Oh, God,” Eve said behind him.

He hadn’t even heard her come in, but as he stood up, he whispered, “Keep him calm, and don’t let him move. Those wounds in his neck are deep, and I don’t want him puncturing anything.”

Eve nodded and knelt down in his place, talking softly to Beast. Oliver ran through the house to the garage, raiding his tool box for wire cutters. When he found what he needed, he grabbed a bunch of rags and headed back inside.

He settled next to Eve and realized his hands were shaking as he started cutting the wires around Beast’s neck. Every time the dog whimpered, he winced and tried to calmly reassure him. He heard Eve’s sniffles and knew she was crying, but he couldn’t comfort her now. All he could think about was getting his dog help.

Fifteen minutes later, he cut through the last wires and was able to move Beast’s head back into the cage while Eve opened the front of it so he could step out. Blood oozed from the raw, pink wounds, and Oliver didn’t hesitate before picking Beast up in his arms.

“Can you look up the nearest twenty-four-hour veterinarian?” He didn’t like the way Beast’s head and neck seemed to be swelling.

“There’s one on Watt Avenue I’ve taken Matilda to,” Eve said. “I know how to get there. You hold him, I’ll drive.”

Oliver didn’t argue, just followed her outside, climbed into her passenger seat, and settled Beast on his lap. He realized that as much as he’d resisted bonding with Beast, it had happened anyway. Despite how crazy Beast made him, he’d come to love the big, stupid mutt.

Once Eve pulled into the veterinarian’s parking lot, Oliver could hardly wait for her to get the door for him. They entered the office, and Eve called out, “Can someone please help us?”

A stocky woman with short brown hair came around the desk. “What happened here?”

“I left him alone in his metal kennel, and he chewed through the bars. I came home, and his head was stuck, there was blood all over his face and neck. I cut the cage off him, but his neck and head seem to be swelling, and there are these deep gouges—”

“How long was he alone for?” she asked.

“About three hours.”

“Let’s carry him into the back. Is there anything wrong with his limbs?”

“No, I just didn’t want to put a leash on him,” Oliver said.

“Well, let’s get a look at him.”

They followed her through the door, and she pointed toward a stainless steel table. The sound of yipping dogs agitated Beast, and he started to struggle against Oliver. Eve reached out and touched Beast’s head, whispering to him. Oliver set him down on the table gently, keeping a hand on him and stroking his back.

“Hang on, dude. I know it’s scary, but we’re gonna make you feel better,” the technician said kindly. Oliver caught sight of her name tag. Karen. “Is he allergic to any medications?”
