Page 14 of Choose Your Heart

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They took their time and wandered along, Damian pointing out v

arious things about the city Kerry didn’t know. “I think I’m going to like it here.”

He winced. “Maybe I should quit mentioning all the interesting sights.”


Damian pushed a short curl behind her ear. “I’m sure you know why.”

His voice deepened, sending chills along her spine.

“No, please,” she whispered.

He tugged her close and squeezed her hand. “Don’t make any rash decisions.”

She glanced away from his piercing stare. “That’s precisely what I’m trying not to do. On the other hand, my plan to move here is not a rash decision. I’ve been working on this for a while. I already have a job lined up.”

“Ah, a job you could easily get in any city in the country,” he said.

They continued on for a few more minutes.

“Here we are.” He moved her toward a brightly lit restaurant and pulled open the heavy wooden door carved with sunbursts.

Inside, it was almost as if they’d entered a café in any one of the countries south of the border. Crowded tables were scattered around the room, which opened up to an outside area strung with colorful lanterns swaying in the soft breeze. A small Mexican group, dressed in black velvet outfits with heavily embroidered, bright designs, played a lively tune while several couples gyrated on the tiny dance floor.

The hostess handed Kerry a flower that Damian took from her hand and clipped into her hair, above her ear. He drew out a chair for her at an outside table far enough away from the band so they could hear each other.

“They make the most fantastic dish called Chilaquile Casserole.” He didn’t even bother to open his menu. “But first, we have to have a margarita. They have four different kinds.”

“Sounds like you’ve been here a lot.” Kerry smiled at his enthusiasm.

“Actually, it’s been a while, but when I was in college, I spent a lot of time in Albuquerque.”

She frowned. “I thought you said you went to Texas A&M.”

“I did.”

“Quite a drive.”

He shrugged. “I was dating a girl at the time. You know how that goes.” Damian flashed a killer smile. “I ate up a lot of miles back and forth.”

“What happened?”

“My best friend used to take the trip with me. To keep me company on the drive. He and my girlfriend decided I was the third wheel.”



The waitress appeared and took their orders for two frosty melon margaritas and the dish he had recommended.

An hour later, Damian pushed his plate away, leaned his forearms on the table, and nodded at her half eaten dinner. “Is that all you’re going to eat?”

“Are you kidding me? I’m stuffed. It was a really big serving.”

The band had been on a break and started a new session with a merengue. Damian hopped up and dragged her to the dance floor.

Kerry held back, laughing the whole time. “I can’t do these fancy dances.”

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