Page 338 of Mr. Beast

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“We’ve got our eyes on this house. You and your roommate are nothing but trouble.”

“Wait, how many times have you been here?”


“How many times? Because I’ve never seen you here.”

“The neighbors call about your roommate all the time. You honestly didn’t know?”

“No. What do they say?”

“I can’t tell you that. But I will tell you we’ve busted people for drugs here before.”

“Real drugs? Or like weed?”

“It’s all illegal. But the harder stuff too.”

Shit. Jocelyn was way more screwed up than I realized. Is that what had changed her so dramatically? Drugs?

I lowered my head, staring at his black shoes.

“You kids today…”

He stopped mid-sentence, his voice trailing off as he turned and walked away. I went inside and shut the door. After waiting a few minutes, my heart racing, I headed to Austin’s house, hoping he was okay.



When I reached his house, I walked up the steps to his porch and knocked on the door. He opened it and motioned with his head for me to come in.

“Are you okay?” he asked, shutting the door behind me. “What happened?”

“They ran away when I called the campus cops.”

“Did you file a report?”

“Yeah, but the cop was kind of a dick to me. Said they were watching my house because of all the craziness. Oh an apparently Jocelyn is on drugs.”

He put an arm around my waist. “Sadly, that makes a lot of sense. All the neediness, the attention, the partying. Her constant flip flopping of emotions.”

“You seem to know a thing or two about it,” I added.

“Yeah, a guy on the team got addicted to heroin last year. I saw him spiral, hell we all did. I should have noticed it about Jocelyn before. Always in her robe, never wears short sleeves, does she?”

I shook my head realizing he was right.

“Just tell them you were with me the night Jocelyn said you attacked someone. Trust me, you don’t want to get wrapped up in this. She needs help, and rehab or jail might be the only place she’ll get it.”

“It’ll ruin your chances of going pro, Austin. I can’t do that to you.”

“I don’t want a career if the only way I can get it is by screwing you over.”

“That’s noble, Austin, but you’re not screwing me over.”

“I will be. Do you have money for an attorney? They have no proof you attacked that woman, but I wouldn’t put it past Jocelyn to have her friends to say you were. You need to tell them you were with me that night.”

