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She expected him to get up and leave, but he merely extended his long legs in front of him, studying her with a thoroughness that discomposed her and made it impossible for her to concentrate on what her father was saying.

He was explaining to her that he would not be able to pick her up until after six.

‘I forgot to tell you this morning,’ he said, ‘I’ve got a meeting. I’ve rung your mother and told her we shall be late. What will you do, fill in the time with some shopping?’

‘I’ve got plenty of work to do,’ she assured him. ‘Don’t worry. See you about six, then?’

She hung up and looked at Jago.

‘Problems?’ he enquired lazily.

Somehow she managed to hold his gaze without betraying how he affected her. In this deceptively mild mood he seemed even more dangerous, his eyes holding all the threat of a momentarily sated tiger’s.

‘Nothing world-shattering,’ she told him coolly. ‘My father can’t pick me up until six.’

‘You could always ring him back and tell him you’re going home with me.’

Storm’s head jerked up, alarm shimmering in her eyes. ‘No, thanks.’

‘You used to travel with David,’ Jago returned equably. ‘I’m going to be living far closer to you than he did. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t travel together.’

‘None at all,’ Storm agreed tautly, watching his eyes narrow. ‘But we aren’t going to.’

‘Frightened?’ he asked succinctly. ‘Of what? That I might carry you off to my lair one dark night? I’ve told you before…’ he leaned across the desk, his fingers tilting her chin upwards, ‘when I make love to you, Storm, it will be because you want it just as much as I do.’

She forced herself to ignore the warmth spreading through her and the pictures conjured up by his words.

‘That will be never,’ she told him coldly, watching his mouth harden, his eyes a flinty grey.

‘Well, in that case, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t travel together, is there?’

He had outmanoeuvred her and she knew it. If they travelled together he would use the opportunity to further assault her defences, and there was nothing she could do about it. If she complained he would know that she was aware of him, and if she did not he would just keep redoubling the attack until she did.

Why? She wasn’t beautiful or sexy. He could have his choice of women and he must know it. Was it because she had defied him? Or was it her resolute determination to prefer David to him? She glanced at him from beneath lowered lashes, conscious of the strong moulding of his face. He was constantly deriding David to her, and her breath caught suddenly. Of course, that must be it! He despised David so much it must hurt his pride to know that she preferred him. No doubt he had expected her to fall into his arms long before now. Why not play along with him? Let him think she hadn’t guessed why. If he thought he was getting somewhere the pressure might ease off, and she was nearer to cracking under it than she wanted to admit. Let him give her a lift, as long as she played it cool everything would be all right. David would soon be home and when he was they could talk.

‘Very well,’ she agreed docilely, keeping her eyes veiled.

‘You’re learning,’ Jago told her softly as she dragged her eyes from his mouth, remembering the punishment it could evoke, and hating herself for the spasm of desire that shot through her.

* * *

But learning what? she asked herself later, sitting next to her father as they drove home. That it was possible to experience intense desire without the saving grace of love? That a man’s body could excite even while his personality repelled? She shuddered and saw her father glance at her.

‘Cold?’ He turned on the heater. ‘Better now?’

Storm smiled gratefully. If only he knew!

They chatted in a desultory fashion, interspersed with comfortable silences. Storm went straight inside while her father put the car away. She found her mother in the kitchen, in a state of intense excitement.

‘Thank goodness you’re both back! I doubt if I’d have been able to contain myself much longer. You’ll never guess what’s happened!’ she exclaimed, proffering a cheek for her husband to kiss.

‘I’m in no mood for guessing games, Mum,’ Storm groaned. ‘You’ll have to tell us.’

‘John phoned this afternoon!’

She had their attention now, for telephone calls from Storm’s brother in Australia were something of a rarity.

‘There’s nothing wrong, is there?’ Storm asked anxiously.
