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Jack held her gaze for a few heartbeats and then spoke. “I’m the last room on the left, you can take whichever you like.”

Just then there was a sharp rap at the back door and before either one of them could move, a little boy rushed into the house. Blond hair on the long side, the kid was dressed in a bathing suit and nothing else. His cheeks were still full with baby fat, his belly round and full, and if Donovan had to guess, she’d say the little guy was about five or six.

“Uncle Jack

! I saw your truck and I just knew it was you!”

Wait. Uncle Jack? She knew all of Jack’s brother’s and none of them had kids.

Donovan watched with interest as the boy threw himself at Jack, who barely managed to catch him and not drop Coco.

“Hey buddy. I didn’t know your parents were up.”

The kid nodded excitedly, his chubby hands encircling Jack’s face in an endearing way that made Donovan’s heart turn over.

“They are. We’ve been here for days and days and days.” The little boy reached for Coco. “You still have him.”

Jack was smiling now. “I do.”

The boy scrunched up his face, petting the top of Coco’s head, his eyes still on Jack as if he was the most important man on the planet. “But I thought you said he was a pain in the—“

“Harry, let’s not repeat anything I say, okay buddy? Code, little man. Code.”

“Hello? Jack?” A woman pushed open the door and strode into the house, a big smile on her face when she saw him. “I thought that was your truck.”

“Sabrina,” he said, flashing that warm smile again. “What gives? You guys are usually up in August.”

“Yeah, well Brett had surgery, and we’re up here relaxing.”

Instant concern lit up Jack’s eyes. “Surgery?”

“Yep,” Harry said excitedly. “Daddy had a thing taken out of his stomach. Like a ball. Mommy says it was as big as a grapefruit.”

Donovan swallowed hard at the look in Sabrina’s eyes. She was small, with short dark hair and elfin features that were delicate. Huge eyes stared up at Jack, and they couldn’t hide the sadness. In fact, they were so expressive that Donovan felt the woman’s pain as it was a living, breathing thing.

She had a vague recollection of meeting Sabrina the one time she’d been here, but couldn’t picture her husband Brett. They were close friends if she wasn’t mistaken. For Harry to call Jack, Uncle, very close friends it seemed.

“I didn’t know,” Jack said, letting Harry down as Coco struggled to jump as well.

“We’ve kept it pretty quiet. Not saying much. It’s what Brett wants, you know?”

“Who are you?” Harry walked over to Donovan, his expression curious. “You’re pretty,” he said, with a grin that Donovan couldn’t ignore.

She held out her hand and accepted his in an exaggerated shake. “My name is Donovan. Nice to meet you Harry.”

“That sounds like a boy’s name.”

“Harry! What a thing to say.” Sabrina smiled widely and glanced up at Jack. “So, Hollywood Tattler got something right for a change. Congrats. When did you guys get back together?”

“Oh, no we’re…we’re ah…” But Donovan’s tongue was all tied up in knots as alarm set it. She glanced at Jack, and he must have sensed her panic.

“Sabrina, this isn’t what it looks like.”

“Uh huh,” Sabrina replied, smile still in place as she glanced over to Donovan.

“We’re hoping for a bit of quiet to sort through some things. I hope you understand that this can’t get out, or they’ll be a shit-storm of media,” Jack continued.

“You don’t have to worry about us spilling anything, but Jack, I’m calling bullshit on this right now.”
