Page 114 of Unsuitable

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Was that disappointment flavouring the chilli surprise? Sky had come along after the fighting ended, but he’d told her about it because it was better it came from him than someone in circles they mixed in who knew him from those days, someone who’d seen the video. He hadn’t had that risk with Audrey, years on and not knowing the same people. He’d thought Sky would be horrified. He didn’t spare the horses, gave her the whole gory story. She’d been full of regret she hadn’t known him then to see him fight.

“Okay then, if I’m not about to get to see you ringside, how come I’m seeing you now?”

“I’ve been dodging your calls.”

“Knew it.” She turned her back on him, bent and started fussing with her sports bag.

“I’m here to make it up to you. Can I buy you lunch?”

She peered at him awkwardly under her arm. “Why do you want to do that?”

“You were the one calling me. If I’m annoying you I’ll go.” This had started as a chore, but now he wanted things to be right with Sky. As right as they could be at least.

She shouldered her bag. He reached to take it from her and she twisted out of his grasp. “Did you break up with her?”


sp; “No.” He took a breath, said it again with more confidence. “No.”

“So what’s this with me then? You should’ve kept dodging me.”

“I thought we were friends.”

She looked back towards the net where the next game had started. “I struggle with that.”

“You could tell me about it.”

She kept her face turned away. “I miss you. I still miss you. I’ve been dating, and we weren’t even all that good together. I resent it, you know. Why should I pine after you?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, Reece. That’s pathetic. If you’re still with Audrey, you’re not any good to me. You don’t have to pretend otherwise.”

He scratched his head. This day was a dog bite, a dose of food poisoning, root canal surgery. He was nowhere he wanted to be, doing things that irritated people. Gold star for effort.

“I’ll leave you alone then.” He trudged back up the beach. He was too sore for the gym. If he went home to Mum, there’d be a job to do and wasn’t in a helpful mood.

Sky jogged up beside him. “I’m being a shit.”

He grinned at her. They bumped arms and it was going to be okay.

They stuffed themselves with fish and chips, the perfect comfort food. Sky told him about work. He said very little, but this was better, being honest, being back in contact. She’d have no need to pester him. He’d have no need to dodge her calls.

She sipped a bottle of water. “What is it about Audrey you like so much?”

They sat side by side on the main steps leading down to the sand. He cut her a look. “Is this the torture yourself part of the afternoon?”

She waved a crab claw at him. “Of course it is. Make it good.”

He turned back to face the sea. “I got off on being needed at first. You don’t get that bricklaying. Later it became about how being with her made me feel. It’s hard to explain.”

“You’re not even trying.”

“Audrey doesn’t need me. I thought she did, I got the employer and the infatuated bit mixed up. She needed a nanny and a housekeeper and a nurse, but she didn’t need me.”

Sky tossed the crab claw in the takeaway food box. “This is not what I expected.”

“She wants me, Sky. Like I want her. It’s this weird pull, like my skin needs to be touching hers, like my ears need to be hearing her voice, my eyes seeing her face. Like I don’t function right unless she’s near. She wants me for exactly who I am.” He looked away. Until the moment she worked out he could be deadly.
