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He turned to face her. “Let me rephrase that. It started out to be the best damn sex of my life. So whatever you want to tell yourself, however you need to rationalize it, go right ahead, but I’m not going to trivialize it. Last night was important to me.” He shook his head. “I’m old enough to know that the reality shouldn’t have been as good as the fantasy. But you know what? It was a thousand times better. So for me, last night was pretty fucking fantastic. Well, except for the part when you told me to shut up and that it didn’t mean anything to you. But otherwise? It was A plus. And if it wasn’t that way for you, I don’t want to hear it.”

He’d fantasized about her? She tried to think of something to say, but her throat felt like the Gobi desert.

“So you want to move past last night?” he continued.

“Of course,” she squeaked.

“Right. Just like we’ve gotten past what happened twelve years ago?”

“I thought we already had this conversation three nights ago.”

“No, you had this conversation. I listened.”

It was true. She’d hadn’t really let him get much in. But what was the point of hashing out the events of twelve years ago? “Why are you bringing this up now?”

“You’re the one who brought up last night. I figured now was as good a time to bring it all up.” His voice went quiet. “No matter what I do, I don’t stand a chance with you, do I?”

The blaring lights of a car turning into the parking lot made them both look away. It was quickly followed by another car that parked alongside it. Phoebe and Roger Van Cleave got out of the first car. Roger spotted them and waved.

A reprieve!

“Looks like the gang’s all here.” Allie reached for the truck door but before she could make her escape, Tom leaned over and blocked her from opening it.

“We’re not done yet.”

“But we can’t keep everyone waiting.” She hated the shakiness in her voice.

“As long as you know that before you leave town, you and I are finishing this conversation. My way.”


Allie had never seen a medium before, but Madame Gloria was nothing like she expected. She had to admit, a Whoopi look-alike would have been comforting, but she would have settled for someone with white hair and a turban. And a Russian accent. Yes, a foreign accent would have been impressive. Instead, Madame Gloria was maybe mid-thirties with long blonde hair and a cross and skull bones tattooed over her right bicep. Despite the chill in the air, she wore a flowery skirt with a tank top and Birkenstocks. At least a dozen thin gold bracelets dangled from each of her wrists.

Besides Allie and Tom and Phoebe and Roger, Viola Pantini and Gus Pappas were also present. Allie was glad to see Viola and Gus. If anyone deserved to be at tonight’s séance, they did, considering that they’d spent so much time in the senior center. Allie wondered what they’d had to do to get on Phoebe’s illustrious guest list. More than likely Roger (who Allie was still ninety-nine percent certain wasn’t Concerned Citizen) had talked his sister into including them.

Madame Gloria clapped her hands to get their attentions. “Before we begin. I need to make sure that everyone present is a true believer. Any negative vibrations will only frighten our spiritual visitor. We want to create a loving, positive environment conducive to free flow communication.”

Everyone began mumbling at once. Even Tom nodded his “belief” although Allie knew he was just faking it to get things going.

“Sure, sure,” Gus said. “I believe in the dead coming back.”

Madame Gloria’s face twisted. “I’ve found the word ‘dead’ has a negative connation. I prefer the term ‘non-living.’”

Non-living sounded pretty negative to Allie, too, but she wasn’t about to disagree with a professional like Madame Gloria. Not when she wanted to get on her good side. After the séance, she was hoping Gloria would agree to an interview.

Allie gave a thumbs up. “Non-living. Got it.”

“Excellent.” Madame Gloria waved a hand in the air with a flourish, exposing a small tuft of hair beneath her underarm. “Now, if everyone will kindly turn off any unnecessary electronic devices, we can all take a seat.”

A sturdy looking card table (as previously specified by Phoebe) had been set up in the middle of the room surrounded by seven folding chairs. No flowing tablecloth to hide anything under or burning candles to provide the expected ambiance. A trio of kerosene lamps stationed on the floor around the table provided the room’s only illumination. Roger set up his video camera, then took the seat next to Allie. Phoebe sat to her other side with Tom directly across the table.

Madame Gloria made a point of making eye contact with each of them. “Shall we all hold hands?” Allie reached out to Roger and Phoebe. Roger’s hand felt warm and secure in her grasp, as opposed to Phoebe’s clammy grip. For several long minutes nothing happened. Allie waited for Madame Gloria to begin chanting or to say something, but she didn’t.

She glanced over to find Madame Gloria frowning. “Someone has been inside this building. And he or she has left a very disturbing aura behind.”

Allie’s gaze immediately darted to Tom. Could Madame Gloria “see” what they’d done last night? The thought of it nearly gave Allie a heart attack. But Tom looked more amused than worried, which helped her relax. Of course Madame Gloria couldn’t know about last night! She was a medium, not a psychic. Although…they weren’t the same thing, were they? Allie was still confused about that.

Gloria narrowed her eyes at Phoebe. “I thought you’d know that the building’s integrity was to be maintained.”

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