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“Faith.” He says my name slowly and with a drawl. Graham’s hands move to my cheeks. I’m caught in a fight-or-flight moment, when he swoops in, searing his lips to mine, and I’m caught in a Graham-induced haze.



I finally have Faith in the palms of my hands, even if it’s just a kiss. Fuck, is it a kiss. There’s a hint of mint, a flowery smell surrounding her, her softness to my hardness. The way she’s finally yielding to me, even if it’s just for this moment in time.

“Graham, we can’t do this, not here, not now, and not ever.” She rips herself away from me. I allow it, not wanting to cause a scene with Logan in the other room. It was only a month ago when she ran away from me at Beau and Lily’s wedding. I let her be, knowing she’s not one to be backed into a corner. If I push too hard too fast, she’ll get even more spooked, and Lily reamed my ass about giving her space.

“That’s where you’re wrong. There’s been an us for some time now. You’re just not willing to see it. Now, I promised a little boy to play a game with him, and I’m keeping that promise. You want to talk about this once he’s in bed for the night, I’m all ears, babe.” I watch as her eyes close and her shoulders move as she inhales then exhales air. Faith nods. “Whatever you say, Sheriff.” Then she walks away, that long hair of hers, dark at the crown then fading lighter into honey gold, over her strong shoulders that carry the weight of the world, with a damn saucy ass sway in her hips.

I wait until she reaches her seat at the kitchen table, then walk off to play with a boy who I’d give my right arm for, and for his momma. Logan is ridiculously smart. I’m pretty sure he gets that from Faith, with a dash of Mrs. Mary.

“Thank goodness. That talk sure took a long time. I decided we could play Legos instead.” He’s sitting in the middle of his floor, green mats to build on in front of him, the blocks every which way but organized in certain boxes according to the shapes and sizes.

“It wasn’t but five minutes, and if I remember correctly, it’s almost time for you to get into bed anyways, so let’s play until your momma says otherwise.” I sit down on the floor, making sure not to knock his boxes around.

“She’s a stickler. I bet she’ll be in here at eight-thirty on the dot.”

“Is that why you’re ready for when that time comes?” Logan is in his pajamas. Instead of them being babyish, it’s a white tee shirt and flannel bottoms. A wet head from his shower tops it off.

“Of course. That way, I get as much playtime with you as possible. Sorry Mommy has been grouchy lately.” We work together assembling the pieces.

“Nothing to be sorry about, champ. Sometimes, adults get overtired and need a break. That might be what’s happening. What are we building?” I ask him to get him off the topic, knowing that if Logan has something this heavy on his chest, I’ll be talking to Faith to see if there’s anything I can do to help. I know we’re approaching fall break, which means Logan is out of school for a week. And I’ll bet you a dollar to a doughnut that’s what has Faith stressing and sitting at her kitchen table.

“The Sheriff’s station, of course. Next, we’ll do the trucks you get to drive around in. I think I want to be a cop one day. Think I can be just like you?”

“You put your mind to it, you can be anything you want to be.” I ruffle his hair, and we get back to work. Our time is dwindling, and just because Logan isn’t mine by blood, it doesn’t mean if I had the chance, I wouldn’t make them both mine.

“I think so, too,” he announces proudly. We work together, securing the walls, then the windows. We’re almost finished with the roof when Faith comes to the doorway.

“It’s time for bed, munchkin.” I look at her, really look at her this time. I notice the tiredness around her eyes, and I know what I’m going to have to do. It’s close to Thanksgiving, which means Mrs. Mary is going home to celebrate with her family. In the past, Faith could bring Logan to The Manor House without a hitch, but now that he’s getting older, it’s not as easy, well, not with Logan’s abundance of questions and energy.

“Okay, if I have to.” My eyes swing back to Logan. There’s a pleading for more time in his eyes, but Faith must shake her head no, because he gives up.

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