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“There’s going to be a mess,” I tell him.

“Not worried about that.” And he’s clearly not, because his fingers are already busy working his cum back inside me, holding himself there until I fall asleep without Graham bothering to remove them from my body.



I had every intention last night to ask Faith to be my wife, but something was sitting in the pit of my gut telling me not to, well, not yet at least. Logan is for sure smarter than most any kid out there, it could be because Faith is a devoted single mom, but I suspect if they did an IQ test on Logan, he’d be off the charts in the genius level. That’s why when he called us out on what we’ve been doing and practically demanded his mom and I get married, I knew this is what I needed to do.

Faith is dead to the world asleep this morning after I thoroughly worked her body over and over again through the night. It’s a damn good thing my body doesn’t require a shit ton of sleep, or I’d be right beside her. And that wouldn’t be a good thing for Logan.

“Good morning, champ,” I tell him while pouring myself a cup of coffee, an idea forming in my head.

“Good morning, Mr. Graham. Is Mommy still asleep?” he asks.

“She sure is. I think yesterday plum wore her out. What do you say we go get some doughnuts from Bela’s, let her sleep, and have some guy time?” I offer him.

“I think she worried a lot yesterday,” he says thoughtfully. “Come to think of it, I’m kind of tired, too. Can we take a raincheck on Bela’s?”

“Of course. Would you rather I make us some breakfast, then?” I should have known. Logan is a stickler for his meals unless it’s dessert, then all bets are off.

“It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. I think Mom made enough waffles to last a couple of months,” he throws Faith under the bus. Apparently, yesterday took its toll on her a lot harder than I thought.

“Well, then, we’ll have that. Maybe you and I can have a man-to-man chat while you eat?” I ask. Doughnuts will have to wait for another day. There’s nothing I love more than that sweet confection sugar overload.

“Sure, I think we can work on the Lego set you got me, too. Mom offered, but she gets annoyed when the pieces don’t work the way she thinks they should.” I ruffle his hair, trying to cover my laughter.

“I have no problem with that. Why don’t you go grab the set? I’ll get breakfast started, then we can get down to brass tacks.” Logan holds his chin in the palm of his hand, the other holding his arm up.

“What does that mean? I don’t think I’ve heard that one before,” he asks thoughtfully.

“It’s when you get down to the bones of the story.”

“Oh, well, why don’t we talk now, then? I can wait a few more minutes for breakfast.” So much like Faith in the patience department.

“Alright. Well, first off, I want you to know how much I love you and your mom. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do, but see, you’re the man of the house, and it’s only fair I ask you two important questions.” Logan is looking at me, his focus nowhere else.

“What’s that? I already said you should marry her.” He arches his eyebrow, licking his upper lip while doing so. It almost has me chuckling because of his two missing top teeth.

“That you did. It doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to ask you for permission first, so what do you think? Am I allowed to ask your mom to marry me?”

“Of course. I said that three times now.” He holds up three fingers.

“Okay, here’s the second question. How would you feel about me adopting you? You’d have my last name and you’d be my son as well,” I ask him.

“Does that mean I don’t have to call you Mr. Graham anymore and call you Dad?” A lump clogs my throat when I see the excitement on Logan’s face, knowing that if one day, he does choose to call me Dad, it’ll be the best present in the world.

“Yeah, if that’s okay with your mom and you,” I tell him after getting my shit in check.

“Yes, yes, yes!” He scoots out of his chair, causing it to squeak, and runs into my arms. The next thing on my list is securing my woman and making our family complete.



“I wish you’d take a break and rest. I swear between you and Logan, you’re going to kill me.” This morning, he woke up before me, taking care of Logan and himself. A fat lot of good I’m being with his recovery when the damn man won’t even sit still.

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