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The man is an older version of Gaige, and lord have mercy. If this is what Gaige will look like in another thirty years, the woman he does finally settle down with is going to have to beat everyone off with a stick.

“Gaige’s girlfriend,” Mrs. Ward says. “Leighton, this is Everett.”

Mr. Ward shakes my hand when I offer it instead of a hug, but then he lifts the damn thing to his lips. Now I see where Gaige got his charm. He’s probably been learning it since the day he was born.

“Nice to meet you, Leighton. Have you met Mother yet?”

“We just got here,” Gaige reminds them.

Mrs. Ward slides her arm around my back, separating me from Gaige, and I give a look of desperation over my shoulder before I’m swept away.

“She’s just going to love you, dear. This will make her year. I just know it.”

We walk deeper into the yard, and I don’t have time to appreciate the gorgeous foliage because we’re approached by several people. Mrs. Ward gives several quick introductions before she moves us along. Each person I meet—whom I have no hope of keeping straight—seems equally surprised when they hear I’m Gaige’s girlfriend. The lies keep stacking up even though it’s the same one over and over.

“Lala,” Mrs. Ward says as we approach a sitting woman who is looking out across the yard watching a small group of kids chase each other.

The birthday girl turns her head to look at us. Her smile never wavers.

“Caroline, did you notice how much little Pete has grown since Christmas? Will the clothes we bought for his birthday still fit?”

“I’ll check with Megan. I saved the receipts. We can exchange them for a larger size if we need to.”

“Oh, hi, dear,” the senior Mrs. Ward says, noticing me for the first time. She looks up to Caroline for an introduction.

“Lala, this is Leighton Redmond.” A pregnant pause hangs between us. “Gaige’s girlfriend.”

The woman doesn’t react at first. It’s as if her brain either can’t handle the information or she is hard of hearing.

Then the smile that has been on her entire face transforms, growing wider. Her arms lift, forming a huge circle, making it clear I’m expected to step into it.

Of course, I do. I’d never deny this grinning woman that. But I’m also in a sundress. I press one hand to the back of my thighs and lean over to embrace her.

What I thought was going to be awkward is just the opposite. A woman I don’t even know hugs me in the middle of a patio I’ve never stepped foot on before, and suddenly I feel like I’m at home, like the piece of my life I’ve been missing has just slid into place. Tears sting the backs of my eyes as she starts to rock back and forth the way you would when seeing someone after a very long absence, someone you love and have missed seeing for years.

When she finally eases back, her brittle fingers swipe at her own cheeks and then she shoves her hands into the pocket of her very sensible slacks and tugs free a tissue.

“I’m sorry, dear. Allergies, you know.”

“Of course,” I say, dabbing at my own eyes, grateful for the excuse.

“Have a seat, dear.”

Lala points to a patio chair sitting right beside her and I drop into it.

“I’ll let you two get better acquainted,” Caroline says before walking away. “Leighton, would you like something to drink?”

“I’m fine but thank you.”

For long moments, we just sit and watch the children play. Lala seems quite content to just observe her family enjoying being around each other, and that’s exactly what they’re doing. They laugh and joke, tease each other. Everyone is smiling and mingling. There are no side-eyes, and I remember that this is both sides of the family, both Gaige’s mother’s side and his father’s, and it makes it all the more magical.

The questions start simple enough. Where did we meet? Is Gaige a gentleman? Does he open doors and treat me with respect? I tell her the truth. Well, I shift the timeline a little on the first question and tell her that we met at work.

But of course, Gaige was wrong about telling everyone that we’ve been dating a couple months meant we’d be able to avoid the serious questions.

“Caroline didn’t have to tell me you two were dating,” she says, her eyes still on the kids, that happy smile still on her wrinkled face.

“She didn’t?”

“I saw the two of you walk out. I’d say even Tyler has a little crush on you. Everyone thinks I’m half blind, but I see just fine.”

I chuckle. Elderly people are smart. This woman didn’t make it to ninety without keeping a few cards close to the vest.

“I know love and devotion when I see it.”
