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I leaned back, lounging.

“All right, Kaspar. You got me to come out to your little farm and I followed you into this field. We’re alone. It’s time we talk business.”

“I agree. First, I need to know how things are going with your takeover.”

“The help you sent was appreciated and useful. I have things well in hand now.” He nodded toward me and I smiled.

“Glad I could help.”

“I want to get this over with. I’m sick of feeling as though I’m in your debt.”

“Fortunately, I want to get this over with, too. The faster we hit Maeve, the better.”

“When are we moving?”

“I have a list of her main holdings. She runs a spy network staffed by low-level dealers all over Chicago and in a few other major cities. We’ll split that in half and each take the most important targets. This will take some coordination.”

“I can handle that.”

I wasn’t so sure he could, but didn’t say so out loud. “Once this is in motion, there’s no going back.”

He barked a laugh. “I’ve already come this far. What’s a little bit more? The other Oligarchs haven’t recognized my power yet, but this’ll make sure they accept me. I’ll spear old Maeve with my cock and then they’ll see.” He threw back his head and laughed.

I tried not to cringe. The stupid bastard was desperate to seem strong. It was pathetic.

“Don’t underestimate her. Even with both of our forces, it won’t be easy.”

“What’s with you? One second, you’re chomping at the bit, and the next you’re worried old Maeve’s going to be a problem. This new girl of yours making you soft? Penny Servant ruining you?” He grinned, showing teeth. I glanced at the little scars on his cheek.

He knew what he was doing. Baiting me like that. He was still angry about what happened in Rome and felt as though he had to regain some of his lost strength.


“Leave her out of this.”

He waved me away as if I wasn’t willing to kill him.

“I’m only wondering what you think’s going to happen with her. She clearly hates you. Even I can see it, and I’m not exactly a good study of people, I’ll be the first to admit it. Why do you think she’s going to be your wife?”

“It’s not your concern, Redmond. Only Maeve’s your problem.”

“Ah, come on. A wife that hates you is much worse than no wife at all. What are you thinking?”

I clenched my chair and leaned forward, sucking in deep breaths to keep myself calm.

“She’ll come around.”

“I doubt that very much.”

“Redmond. If you mention Penny one more time, I’m going to beat your skull into pieces before your soldiers can come save your weak little life. Now close your fucking mouth.”

Anger flared in his eyes, but he didn’t speak.

At least he wasn’t completely dumb.

I stood up and paced behind my chair.

“As soon as we move on Maeve, she’ll know we’re coming. Which means we hit her fast and hard before her spy network has a chance to react. Do you follow?”

“Yes, I follow.”

“Good. Go speak to my head of security, he’ll give you all our information. Study it and we’ll speak again soon.”

Redmond stood. “Is this a dismissal?”

“Something like that.”

“You aren’t my boss. You understand that, don’t you?”

I rubbed my temples. “I helped you depose your father because I thought you’d be more amendable to change. However, so far, you’re proving much stupider and more difficult than I ever imagined. Now, please, before you spout off some mindless garbage, go back to the house and think about what we’re doing here. It’s not some little schoolyard game. We’re trying to kill another Oligarch, and this one isn’t your daddy.”

Redmond turned pink with rage. He practically trembled and took a step closer. I wanted him to attack me, craved a little physical violence. That would go so well with my recent memory of pinning down Penny and licking her delicious pussy until she came in a glorious spasm of bliss.

Except he only shook his head. “One day you’ll realize you don’t know everything, Kaspar.”

“I doubt you’ll be around to see it.”

He glared at me but stalked back into the corn toward the house.

I sighed and sank down into a chair.

Redmond was a liability. I knew it, but I didn’t have much of a choice. I needed his help to take down Maeve, and none of the other Oligarchs would be willing.

He remained a useful pawn, if a particularly difficult one.



Present Day

Somewhere in the Midwest

Over the next few days, more and more men came to stay at the farm.

The other buildings filled. They were soldiers, lean, hungry, vicious men with rough, loud laughter and hate in their eyes. Kaspar’s men, killers each and every one. They appeared in twos and threes and were welcomed with open arms.

I woke afraid and went to bed terrified.

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