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“Why are you so intent on escaping, little treasure? Haven’t I been good to you?” Kaspar’s voice crooned, lilting and attractive. I wanted to punch him in the trachea.

“You’re a monster.”

“So I’m told.”

“You did this to mess with me.”

“Yes, I did. And to show my men that loyalty is rewarded.” He looked back at Cards, smiling broadly. “How are those debts, Michaels?”

“Gone, thanks to you, boss.”

Kaspar leaned closer to me. “You shouldn’t have done this. Now I have a good excuse to punish you.”

I gasped in surprise and pain as he pulled me toward the house. My cheeks blazed red with shame as Kaspar’s guards leered at me from the porch. We went in the back door, through the quiet kitchen, and up the staircase to my room, and Kaspar shut the door.

Alone again. Away from the leering, mocking gazes.

“You’re sick,” I said, turning on him. “You pretend like you care about me, then you do something like this.”

“Stop talking.” He approached, a hungry lion.

I backed up into the bed. “Stay away.”

He dropped to his knees. I blinked at him, surprised, as he touched my thighs tenderly. His fingers caressed my jeans down to my knees, then pushed my legs apart and pulled me to the edge of the mattress, wrapping his big arms around me, and pressing his head against my chest.

I stared down at him, not sure what to do.

“You remember that night, don’t you?” He spoke a soft murmur. “How good it felt to finally open yourself to me.” He looked up, met my eyes. “Do you think I want to hurt you?”

“I think you get off on it.”

“Only because you enjoy it.”

“Not this. I didn’t enjoy this.”

He sighed and nodded. “I know you didn’t. This was for my men as much as it was for you. The thing is, they like you, and I’m afraid they’ll let you leave. This was to show them that attempting something like that is futile. I can be benevolent as well as deadly.”

“You’re not endearing yourself to me. I don’t like being used in your games.”

His right hand moved up my spine to my hair and grabbed it tight. I gasped, tried to pull back, but he held tight. His left moved down to cup my ass, pulling me tighter against him.

His lips, inches from my own.

“I understand I hurt you, love. But please accept my sincerest apologies.”

“Go to hell.”

He bit my lip. I gasped in surprise, tried to bite him back, and he laughed, pulling away. “One day, maybe. But first, I’ll live in heaven.” He pulled my hair hard then kissed my neck. I groaned and struggled, pushing at him, but not getting any leverage.

His lips moved up to meet my own.

I returned his kiss. Desperation, confused and swirling, rocked through my body. God, yes, I remembered that night—I couldn’t forget it. His fingers, his lips, the way he made me come—

I hated him for it. I still did.

His kiss invaded me. It twisted my hate into something darker and filthy. It lodged between my legs, soaking and needy. I wanted him to spread me wide. I wanted him to fuck me into quiet submission. I wanted to scream wordless pleasure into the pillows as he ruined me.

His fingers deftly unbuttoned my jeans and he pulled them off.

I tried to slap him. I hated him as much as wanted him. He caught my wrist, smiling, and pinned it to my side as he kissed my inner thigh.

“This doesn’t change anything,” I said, stifling a moan as his tongue got closer to my soaking, warm pussy. I felt a ringing pulse there, keening for him. “You can do this to me, but I still won’t love you.”

“Right now, I don’t need your love. Only your moans and your taste. You pretend like you’re fighting, but if you wanted this to stop, you could make it stop.”

He was right. God, another reason to hate him, but he was right. If I really wanted to fight him off, I could. He’d back down. Kaspar was a monster, a killer, and a psychopath, but he always made me feel something I never thought possible.

Lust, blood, hate, desire. It all swirled as he pushed my panties aside and tongued me top to bottom.

I grabbed his hair. I wanted it to hurt as I pulled. He grunted and sucked my clit, digging his fingers into my ass. I gasped, arched my back.

He ripped my panties. Tore them like paper. He tossed them aside and attacked, licking and sucking, hungry and crazed. I released his hair and leaned back on my elbows, panting, moaning, losing my freaking mind.

Pleasure whirlpooled around and around as Kaspar’s fingers spread me and fucked me, as his tongue licked me and sucked me, and I wanted him to keep going as much as I wanted him to jump off the roof.

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