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Michael uncrossed his arms and said, “There’s no doubt that you and I are not in the best position to get so caught up in Scarlet. Worse timing for us to feel some emotional ties to her. I’d like to think that last night was the one-shot deal we were both missing, both in need of, and then we could just walk away.”

Sam’s jaw set. A mixture of dread—or guilt?—and acceptance flickered in his eyes.

Michael leaned forward and speared the other man with an intent look. “I’d prefer to believe that I could simply call last night a great fuck and wash my hands of it. I’d bet my entire real estate portfolio that you’d like to do the same. I’d further wager every penny in my bank accounts that that won’t be the case for either of us. Regardless of how badly it could screw us over.”

Sam got to his feet and started to pace. Customary for him when he was agitated. Michael recognized, however, that this was a different type of agitation. Not a thorn in Sam’s side because something wasn’t going his way. No, this was all about what Sam had declared a couple of days ago regarding Scarlet Drake getting under the skin. Moving through their veins. Leaving them both jonesing for her despite whatever personal convictions they possessed.

What happened with the three of them in that bedroom upstairs was more than hot sex. They’d created a bond. A powerful one that had not occurred with any other woman the men had shared.

This was what they’d always been looking for. This was what they’d both wanted from the time they’d discovered their talent for pleasuring the same woman.

And if ever an object of their desire was going to help Sam past his heartache and loss and also make Michael fall in love, it was this one.

Scarlet Drake.

Sam seemed to know this, too. He drew up short, gripped the back of his chair, and said, “I’m not going to kid myself here. I want to explore what’s going on with the three of us. Problem is, you live in the city. Hate the country and horses. And I’m not too fond of Manhattan. Scarlet’s home base is California. Exactly how do you envision this all working out?”

“Ah, the logistics.” Michael sighed. “You just had to go there.”

“Might as well. We’re both struggling with the emotional aspect. Let’s just heap all the obstacles on top of each other so we’re not deluding ourselves. Or Scarlet.”

“An additional obstacle unto herself,” Michael contended. “She’s not into the long term or anything serious.”

“She had a tough go of it trying to deal with her parents’ deaths. She doesn’t want to leave herself vulnerable to another loss.”

“You can commiserate.”

Sam nodded. “Absolutely.”

“But you can’t escape this, can you?”

Their gazes locked again. Michael could see the writing on the wall. It was evident Sam could, too.

The question was whether they were all capable of surviving their individual undertows and successfully surfacing so that they didn’t let what could be a prime opportunity slip through their fingers.

Sam said, “Let’s see what happens today. You and I are discussing this, but it involves Scarlet as well. And at the moment, she’s got her hands full with an investigation and the fact that she’s going to ruffle feathers in about twenty minutes.”

“There is that,” Michael lamented. Yet another obstacle. They were setting some sort of record, he was sure.

Draining his coffee cup, he went to the sink and rinsed it, then put it in the dishwasher. He clasped his stepbrother’s shoulder and said, “I am glad we met her. I’m happy that she’s making you feel something other than anger and agony. I grasp that you won’t ever fully recover from Cassidy. That’s completely understandable. But to find some measure of comfort, or peace, or just plain excitement has to ease some of the pain.”

“It does,” Sam told him. “Scarlet’s special and I don’t want to hurt her any more than you do. Any more than she would want to hurt us. That’s why we’re all going to have to be up-front about our feelings and intentions. Once we’ve personally sorted them all out.”

“Yes. Now … I’ve got to check my e-mail and then we can get on with the meet-and-greet at the mansion.”

“This ought to be interesting.” Sam rubbed his nape, the tension already mounting.

Michael felt it, too. But when it came to this investigation, he wanted his family out from underneath the microscope. He and Sam had enough to contend with where Scarlet was concerned. They didn’t need her suspicions looming like a dark cloud.

Clear the air and move on was his current train of thought.

The sooner, the better.


Brunch took on a different meaning when Scarlet, Michael, and Sam entered the solarium where the table was set for five. And Mitcham and Karina Vandenberg were already seated. He sipped coffee. She enjoyed a mimosa.

Scarlet felt a twinge of guilt. She’d taken advantage of their hospitality. Their kitchen staff had provided dinner and Housekeeping had picked up after the trio. Not to mention Scarlet had spent the night under one of the Vandenbergs’ roofs on the estate. Then of course there was the matter of what actually had gone on under said roof.
