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“That’s so awesome,” Millie says and claps her hands.

“But I want to know that everything I’m feeling, everything that’s happening between Daphne and me, is because we’re genuinely feeling this way and not because Horace is fucking with us.”

“I get it,” Lucien says with a nod. “And I can put your mind at ease. If anything, he’d want you apart, not together. You’re stronger together. If the six of us are in the same place, it hurts him. So, he’s not going to try to make you fall in love with her. He’ll do his best to break you apart.”

I sigh in relief and sit back down.

“Wow, you were really worried,” Millie says.

“Yeah. Because Daphne and I have been through enough crap, you know? If we’re going to be together, I don’t want anything interfering in that.”

“He’s going to mess with your head,” Lucien warns me. “He loves smoke and mirrors. He’ll play with you, and he’ll take delight in it. But you know what’s true. You know how you feel about each other.”

“Yeah. Shit’s about to get really crazy, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” Millie’s face sobers with her answer.

Lucien’s phone rings.

“It’s Cash.” He answers, and his green eyes go cold. “Damn. Let’s get everyone here. Jack’s here already. Yeah, I’ll call Daphne.”

He hangs up and taps his phone screen.

“Hey, Daph. I need you to come to our house, please. They found her.”

“They found her?” I repeat when Lucien hangs up the phone.

“I’ll put some tea on,” Millie announces and hurries out of the library toward what I assume is the kitchen.

“Before the others get here, I’m going to give you something.” Lucien shifts some books around and then selects one and passes it to me.

“This is a spellbook,” I say as I flip through the pages.

“It is, yes.”

“Working spells isn’t my gift.”

“I know that, but I want you to take it. You have magic, Jack.”

I start to shake my head, but Lucien continues.

“You have magic. You know how to work it. I want you to cast some protection spells around Oliver and Annabelle’s house. To keep you all safe. If they’ll join you, all the better.”

“I’ll take it,” I reply just as a knock sounds on the door.

Cash and Brielle hurry into the library, followed by Daphne, who stops short when she sees me.

“How’d you get here so fast from Oliver’s?”

“I was here when Cash called,” I reply. “I came over to chat a bit.”

“I want everyone to drink some of this tea,” Millie announces, carrying a tray.

“Of course, you do,” Daphne says with a sigh. “Can’t we have coffee?”

“No, tea is better.” Millie passes the cups around.

“Where was she found?” I ask Cash, cutting to the chase.

“In her home.” He sips the tea and then scowls at it. “Christ, Mill, does it have to taste like shit?”

“Where did she live?” Daphne asks.

“Baton Rouge,” Cash replies. “And as of right now, it’s been ruled a suicide. She got in the bathtub and dropped her blow-dryer in with her.”

“Oh, Goddess,” Millie whispers, shaking her head. “That’s awful.”

“And it wasn’t a suicide,” I add.

“We know that,” Cash says. “But I can’t get the cops in Baton Rouge to listen to me. They think I’m nuts. And I can’t blame them. It sounds crazy.”

He stands and paces the room.

“Were her eyes missing?” I ask.

“No.” Cash turns and shakes his head. “Her eyes are intact.”

“He doctored the photo,” Brielle says. “Or conjured it out of thin air.”

“It’s what he wants us to see,” Lucien says. “It’s all about the eyes this time around.”

“Why?” I demand.

“Because Daphne has the sight,” Millie reminds me. “It’s his sick gift to her.”

I feel sick to my stomach and rub my hand over my mouth.

“Isn’t that lovely?” Daphne’s voice is dry and angry. “Sick son of a bitch. Somehow, he made her kill herself.”

“That’s my take on it, too,” Lucien says, nodding.

“This doesn’t help us,” Brielle says with frustration.

“He never helps,” Millie reminds her. “He taunts us.”

“So, what do we do now?” I ask. “Do we just sit back and wait?”

Lucien’s nod is grim. “Unfortunately, yes.”

“Well, hell.”

* * *

I’ve been studying the book that Lucien sent home with me last night and even cast a few spells at Oliver’s place. I’m not a powerful witch, but every little bit helps.

Now it’s time to set this aside and enjoy the evening with Daphne. I’ve been thinking about her all day, too, and about what I said last night at Millie and Lucien’s. No one is making me feel the way I do about her. I love her because I’ve always loved her. I took one look at her when I was so stupidly young and knew without a doubt that she was it for me.

Nothing this asshole does can change that.

I pull up to Daphne’s apartment, knowing that I’m early.

I couldn’t wait to see her.

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