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“No,” he says when the door opens, and I fly to the side, lying on the seat pretending to grab something.

“Got it,” I say, getting up and seeing it’s Jennifer.

“Sorry, but Ivan wants to reshoot the last scene,” she says, looking at him and then me. “You look better today.”

“Yeah, I feel better. Must have been something I ate,” I tell her and look over at Carter and see that he has my gloss all over his face. My eyes go big, and he must sense it and covers his mouth.

“I’ll be right there,” he says, getting up and walking to the bathroom. Jennifer nods her head and walks out of the trailer. He comes out of the bathroom seconds later. “My bad.”

I shake my head. “No more kissing at work.” Now it’s his turn to glare. “You can save all that for when we get home.”

“Let’s table this discussion for tonight,” he says and turns to walk out of the trailer. “I should be done after this.” I nod at him and blow him a kiss, smirking. I finish my notes and email Jessica. I then also call my connection at my favorite fashion house, telling them of my predicament. They say they have the perfect dress for me.

I’m putting my computer away when he returns, announcing he’s done. Getting into the car and heading home, we’re quiet, and I just look out at the darkness. “We left in the dark, and we come back in the dark.”

“Yeah, well, tomorrow we have to be on set at noon, so that should be good,” he tells me, putting the car in park and getting out. I unlock the door and step in, stopping in the doorway when I see rose petals everywhere.

“What’s this?” I ask. We don’t have to turn on the lights because on each step leading upstairs are three tall vases filled with candles to light the way. I look back at him, and he just smirks. I walk up the steps, and when I come to the landing, I stop at the trail of roses all the way to the bedroom lit up with different sized glass vases with floating candles. I walk to the bedroom, smiling and looking behind my shoulder at him. When I finally get to the bedroom, I see rose petals everywhere. There isn’t a spot without them. The floor is covered in them, and candles are all over the room.

“I can’t exactly take you out to a romantic dinner,” he says, coming to me, “but I can bring the romance to you.” My hand drops my purse, and I jump into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck while his arms circle my waist.

“This is the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen,” I whisper to him and lean back to see his face. I lean forward and kiss him, and I’m expecting for it to be a kiss, but just like before, it feels like the first time. It always feels like the first time. He walks me to the bed, his mouth still on mine when he throws me down on it, and I land with a laugh as rose petals fly everywhere.

“I really want to just get on you, but I kind of stink,” he says, laughing. “I had this all planned out, but I didn’t think that when we got hot, I would need a shower.”

I throw my head back and burst out laughing. “You really have never done this before.”

He shakes his head. “Never.” I’m expecting him to stop there, but he doesn’t. “Never needed to.” I am about to roll my eyes. “Never wanted to.”

“Nice save,” I tell him.

“I need five minutes,” he tells me, walking out of the room backward. “Maybe even three.” He turns and rushes to his room.

“Carter!” I yell, and he turns to look at me. “Don’t take care of yourself.” He stares at me, the words sinking in.

“Ninety seconds,” he says, and I rush off the bed and get ready myself. I run to the closet and go through my bra and panties and give up. I didn’t bring anything really sexy. I strip out of the clothes and step into the shower. Showering in record time, I don’t even think I rinsed off properly. I dry off, throwing the towel to the side. Peeking in the room, I see he isn’t there yet, so I go over to the bed and slide under the covers. I try to position myself as sexy as possible, but my heart is hammering so hard. I even look down to see if you can see it coming out of my chest. I don’t have time to think because he comes back into the room wearing black boxers. His hair is still wet, and I watch him walk to the side of the bed and slip in next to me. He reaches out for me, and I go to him. “Hi,” he whispers, lying on the pillow next to me. His hand goes to my hip, and his eyes get big when he just feels skin. His hand roams up and down on my side, and he feels that I’m naked. He throws the cover off me, and here I am. All naked and all for him. “You aren’t wearing anything.”

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