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“I give myself to be married to him.” And right here, in front of two hundred of our closest friends, we exchange vows. He slips on my wedding band, and as soon as I slip his on, he grabs my face in his hands and seals it with a kiss.

“You aren’t supposed to be kissing yet,” his brother hisses from the side.

“I can do what I want,” Brian says, his thumbs rubbing my cheeks. “She’s mine.” I roll my eyes, but we both know I’ve always been his.

Epilogue Two


One year later

“Your mother just bought our daughter a real tiara,” Kellie says, walking into our master bedroom. We are in Los Angeles for the Grammy awards tonight. She was in her bathroom having all the glam done, and she looks stunning, but then again, she always does.

“How do you know?” I ask her, not surprised in the least. Three months ago, the second love of my life was born. Grace was a whooping nine pounds, four ounces, and she came out screaming. We didn’t know what we were having since we wanted it to be a surprise, but when my mother found out, well, let’s just say that she was over the moon.

“Because she showed it to me when she got here,” Kellie says and comes to sit on the bed. “Last week, she bought her a pink motor car.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “Baby, there is nothing you or I or anyone in this world can tell my mother to make her tone it down.” I pull her to me, and she slides on top of me, her head resting on my chest.

“Why did I agree to go to this thing tonight?” she asks me, yawning. “We can always cancel.”

“No way in hell.” I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. “You worked your ass off for that album, and now we are going to reap the rewards.” After our monthlong vacation, Kellie took the next three months to write songs, and finally, we went to Nashville, and a whole new album came to life in just seven days. I watched her work so hard, and the minute the album was released, it killed it on the charts. It killed every other record she’d ever released, and it took five days to go triple platinum. Tonight, she is up for eight Grammys, and I couldn’t be more proud.

“Sorry to interrupt,” I hear my mother at the door, “but someone is fussy, and I think a little bit hungry.” She comes in, and I see that she changed her outfit again. It’s the fifth one today. Another thing my mother went nuts on was clothes. This little girl has so many clothes, she will never wear the same thing twice.

“Hey there, princess,” Kellie says, getting off me and going to get the baby. She gurgles with just the sound of Kellie’s voice. Another thing my wife didn’t do was hire a nanny. Nope, not my superwoman wife, she is the one doing everything. “Did Grandma change you again?” she asks my girl, and I see her blue eyes sparkle as she smiles at her. “Is my girl hungry?” She coos at my wife while she unties her shirt and brings her to her breast. My little girl attacks her meal. “Someone was hungry.”

“I’ll go get things ready for her diaper change.” My mother claps her hands together and walks to the nursery to get another outfit ready. I lean over and kiss my daughter’s head, and she kicks me away.

“What if she doesn’t take the bottle?” Kellie asks me, looking at our daughter and then up at me again.

“Then she is going to tough it out because it’s Mommy’s night to shine.” I hear Cori’s voice from the doorway, and she walks in. “How is my goddaughter?”

“She’s amazing,” Kellie says, and she continues to feed her. She is so calm—she never stresses, she never freaks out—and Grace is the easiest baby ever. Thirty minutes later, my mother comes back to get her and scoops her away to change her clothes again.

“Okay, you two, we have to be out of the house in twenty minutes,” Cori says, and I just nod at her. Kellie gets up and walks into her closet. I go to my closet and put on my black suit, coming out when Kellie is walking into the room. “We don’t have time for that,” Cori says, slapping my arm.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I tell her, and I look at my wife who is standing there in a long-sleeved white body-hugging gown. The whole thing looks like it has white and black crystals all the way down. She slowly does the turn, and I see the back. It’s fully open to the bottom of her back with a little train.

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