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“What are you laughing at?” I ask her, and she scoops another spoonful of cereal, bringing it to her mouth.

She finally swallows. “I’m laughing at the fact that”—she points her spoon toward the bunk—“that man is going to get a case of blue balls.”

I roll my eyes and don’t bother to answer her as I walk to the back of the bus. Shutting the door, I climb into bed when I look over and see that it’s almost four a.m. I toss and turn in the bed and then sit up, taking the robe off and tossing it to the end of the bed. I lie back down and stare off into the dark of the bus, trying to shut off my mind, but the last thing I think about before finally falling asleep is how peacefully I slept with him on the couch.

Chapter Eight


The bus stopping for gas woke me. When I fell asleep, her pillow was leaning on my leg, but now I feel her hair in my hand. I look down and see that her head is in my lap and my cock is full-on saluting her. The pillow looks like it’s under her neck, her long hair is all over my chest and legs. The cover I placed on her is at her waist, and her robe gapes open at the top, showing her light pink sports bra. I see the white band around the bottom with the black Calvin Klein logo.

Her body goes from light to heavy, and I know she’s awake but faking. A snicker from the other side of the bus makes me finally look up, and I see that Jackie is there eating cereal. “I know you’re up,” I hiss out at Kellie, and she looks up. “Can you please get up?” She raises on her arm and now the top of the robe really opens, and I see her hard nipples.

I don’t say anything. I just stomp back to my bunk and get in, closing the curtain. There is not enough legroom for me, and I know this will be a long fucking three months. My cock didn’t get the memo that she is off limits, that she is in the no-go zone. I turn to the side and hear feet walk by my bunk and then the door shuts. I guess she’s in bed. I finally fall asleep, and when I wake up some six hours later, I’m in the same position. I open the curtain and put my feet out first. Standing, I hold the side of the bus while I walk to the bathroom. Just like in the shower, I have to duck to get in and then get out. I walk to the couch and see the four girls all sitting around. Jackie and Cori are sitting at the table, while Trisha and Kellie sit on the couch with their legs tucked under them. Kellie is out of her robe. Her hair is piled on top of her head; she is wearing a pink long-sleeved shirt, and a blanket is draped over her legs. She holds a coffee cup in both hands.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Cori says to me. “I just made coffee.” She points at the coffee machine sitting out.

“Good morning, ladies,” I say, opening the cupboards to look for a cup.

“There is cream and milk in the fridge, and the sugar is in the cupboard over the stove,” Cori says, turning around and then typing away on her laptop in front of her.

“I’m going back to bed,” Trisha says, walking past me to her bunk.

I pour the coffee in the cup and take a long gulp. Turning, I lean on the counter and see that the girls are now all looking at me. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” Jackie says. “We are just wondering how you sleep in the bunk?”

I smile, taking another sip of coffee. Walking over to the couch, I take a seat and stretch out my legs. “It’s tight.”

“No shit,” Jackie says, laughing and getting up to stretch. “It’s naptime,” she says, also going to the back. I look at my watch and see it’s almost ten a.m.

“Did you sleep okay?” Kellie asks from next to me, and I look over at her. From the softness of her face and the sleepiness in her eyes, I know she just got up also.

“Yeah,” I answer her, taking another sip of coffee. Cori gets up, walks to the back of the bus, and shuts the door.

“If it’s too tight for you, we can switch,” Kellie says quietly, reaching for the remote.

“I’ll be fine, baby.” The baby slips out, and her head whips around to look at me. “Did you just get up?” I ask her, hoping we don’t have to discuss the fact I just called her fucking baby.

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