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“Thank you so much, Yamina and Yolanda, for all your hard work during this whole process,” he says, looking at them and then back out at us. “I also have to thank the ten press journalists who are coming along for this crazy ride. It is the first time that we have decided to do it this way, and although there will be bumps along the way, we hope that the next twenty-nine days are mostly smooth sailing.” He slides on his glasses and looks down at the sheet in front of him. “Now for the good stuff.” The projector lights up. “Ladies and gentlemen, here is the following tour cities that we, or better yet, you guys, are headed to,” he says and I know that he is flying out as soon as this thing today is finished. “Seoul, Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, Dubai, Venice, London, Paris, New York, and finally LA.”

“Wow.” I hear Autumn say as she takes notes.

“There will be a huge gala in Dubai, and of course, each city will host a premiere. The official premiere will be in Paris. Since most of the film was shot in the city, it seems fitting to have the official premiere there, which is why you will only be allowed to watch it in Paris,” he says and then flips his sheets over as the projector changes also. “To help bring this tour to life, each journalist will take a turn to attend the premiere with Tyler.” I look the list up and down and notice that my name isn’t on it. Everyone else is but mine. I see that the premiere in Paris is empty also.

“They forgot your name,” Kendall says, and I turn to look at her.

“They didn’t forget,” I say, trying not to let it get to me. I don’t listen to the rest of Ryan’s speech. I also don’t pull my eyes away from the podium either, knowing that eyes are watching for my reaction.

“That is so harsh,” Ella says. “I mean, you were shunned.”

I look at her and smile. “It’s actually a blessing. Less work on my part,” I say. “It is safe to say I don’t want to be here, and he doesn’t want me here. But sometimes, you have to do shit you don’t want to, and this is one of those times.” I try to make myself believe the words. I’m also pissed—but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing how pissed I am.

Chapter Seven


This rapper’s overdose has sent Hollywood into a whirlwind

Watching her go head-to-head with Cassie and then walk out of the gym with a swing in her step, I tried to hide the smile by grabbing my shake. I watch Cassie just glare at her while she disappears.

“Your clothes are all laid out,” Cassie says, following me when I walk out of the gym toward my suite. “I spoke to Ryan, Yamina, and Yolanda about taking Jessica off the red carpet list, and they reluctantly agreed.”

I just nod my head. Taking my key card out and going into the room, I drop my card down on the table, then turn to look at Cassie. “What do I have to do today?” I ask her, peeling the sweaty shirt from my body.

“There is the breakfast downstairs and then photos,” she tells me, looking down at her phone as she types something.

“Photos?” I ask her, grabbing a water bottle and taking a drink.

“You are going to be taking a picture with each journalist for the press even though the premiere will be tomorrow night. Your suit is being steamed as we speak. Tonight, you have dinner plans, but they can be canceled if you feel like canceling.”

“No, I’ll be good. I’ll text you when I’m on my way down,” I tell her, and she looks up.

“I’ll be in my room if you need anything,” she says, turning toward the door and walking out. I wait for the door to click before going into the bathroom and taking a shower. An hour later, I’m grabbing the black suit jacket and putting it on as I walk out of the room. The elevator is there as soon as I press the button, and I text Cassie as soon as the door closes.

Me: On my way down.

Cassie answers right away.

Cassie: Change of plans, go to the conference room.

I press the button, but I’m already on my way down. Looking at my phone, I scroll through my private undercover Instagram feed where I have only my cousins and family members. The ding of the elevator makes me look up, and I see Jessica walking in. Her cool and sweet scent knocks me back a bit. She says something to me, but I didn’t hear what she said, and before I can say anything, the door opens again, and the three “playmate” journalists enter. All three of them swinging their hips as they head straight to me. Their smell is musky, and I swear if I was in here one more minute, I would have had a sneezing fit.

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