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I’ve never had an orgasm like this. The sensation is as sharp as a knife and cuts so deep I’ll never forget, and it just seems to keep going. Because Glenn is here again, plunging into me with his cock and the moment he sinks into me, I’m gone again. And again. And again.

I’m holding onto Glenn like an anchor in the storm, and he goes over too. With me. As I fall into an abyss of nothing. Of endless, radiant, pleasure. I have no idea how long it goes or how many orgasms I have, because it never seems to end. Glen is an animal, fucking me with raw strength that I’ve never seen, through both of our orgasms and more, fucking until he’s shaking as hard as I am and he has to stop. I’m still gone, floating in a prefect sea, blissed out, overloaded, and fucked like I’ve never been fucked before.

We reach for each other, sliding together, rolling our hips together to more orgasms, slow and rippling and shaking. I think I might black out from all of it. Zero to sixty doesn’t even compare to this sensation. I press myself against Glenn, and let go.

But eventually, I come back, drifting.

Glenn and I are tangled together, resting, breathing. He looks as overcome as I feel. “You were right,” I say. My voice is raw with crying out. “But it’s going to be a long time before I do that again.”

He laughs, running a hand down my side. I shiver, body still overly sensitive, and impossibly it still wants more, the craving I’ve made it get used to isn’t gone yet. “As long as you admit that I was right,” he says.

“You were right. Asshole,” I say, but I’m laughing.

He rolls over and kisses me again. My body ready and wanting more of his cock immediately. He gives it to me.



Time seems to slip by without my noticing. I spend less time at First Shot, and more time with Diamond. I’m addicted to her, and her body. No one has ever made me feel the way she does. Ever since the end of our no-sex week, we haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other.

This weekend was amazing. We spent it at my house, in and out of the hot tub, with all our food delivered, splitting our time between movies and sex. It was simple and easy. Like a breath of fresh air.

But it’s more than that. I can talk to her. For the first time in a long time it’s nice to have someone to just be honest with. We’ve talked a little about our pasts. Family issues. Turns out coming from a rich family can be just as fucked up as coming from a poor one. And it feels great to talk about it. As much as Frankie and Wallace are my best friends, things haven’t been the same between us in a long time. And that’s probably my fault for trying to force them into doing something they didn’t want to do.

Every time I have the thought, there’s a part inside of me that rages. They made a promise. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t like it, you keep your fucking promises.

But that’s not fair, really. There are promises that should be kept, and there are ones that don’t really matter. I’m starting to finally see the difference, at thirty. Took me long enough. Promises that are made to your kids should be kept. Like when you say you’re going to come and see them. Take them somewhere special. Be there at all. Those things are important.

Making your friends sleep around…less important.

But every time they threw it back at me, there was that fury at a broken promise that started when I was young, when all I wanted was someone in my life who would do what they said. And when I became friends with the guys, they were there for me. They were the only people in my life who actually showed up and kept their word. And that was important to me. And when we drifted apart, even with First Shot, every bad part of my childhood came roaring back. It was wrong of me to hold them to that, even if it still hurts.

I always keep my promises. Whatever they are. I won’t be the man who breaks a commitment. Ever.

We’ve all been so busy, that we haven’t seen each other except in passing. So when they walk into the bar early, there’s a huge smile on my face. “Hey.”

Frankie slaps me on the back. “Long time no see. It’s good though. I thought you’d never get out of the bar.”

I have good people working here, and they haven’t missed a beat since I’ve spent less time at the bar. And that makes me happy. Let’s me know that I did a good job picking the people to run this place.

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