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I came here tonight to let loose and explore a wild, adventurous side I know resides within me. The evening started with an eagerness to shed my timid nature, to spice up my life, but now I question my ability to separate fantasy from reality.

Can I really follow through with this?

Can I throw out the rule book and be bad for once?

Steadying myself, I take a deep breath as I slide the ring off and gently place it in the front pocket of my quilted Coach handbag and I rise from the chair. I rub the now empty space on my finger and take a moment to evaluate my appearance in the large mirror hanging behind the chair.

The emerald green dress I chose for tonight is flirty and subtle. The blousy top stretches across my chest, leaving my shoulders and neck completely bare. The billowy sleeves end at the elbow and the skirt cinches in at the waist only to flow to several inches about my knees.

Decision made.

I pull the silver chain strap of my purse over my shoulder and make my way toward the hotel bar with renewed determination. The clicking of my black stiletto booties on the hardwood floors echo throughout the cavernous lobby. My knees wobble ever so slightly with each hesitant step.

You came here for a reason, Avery. Don’t chicken out now.

Pushing open the heavy glass door to the hotel bar, I’m overwhelmed by the sheer number of people occupying the large space. I take a moment for my eyes to adjust to the faintly lit room and my heart to calm it’s racing beat. Music blares through the overhead speakers, and patrons crowd the decent-sized dance floor.

I spot an empty seat at the crowded bar and move to claim the black leather stool. Fidgeting with the hem of my skirt, several minutes pass as I try to gain the bartender’s attention to order a drink to take the edge off. Before I have the chance, he places a glass in front of me.

“Courtesy of the gentleman in the corner.” The bartender nods his head in the direction of my admirer. “Please let me know if you need anything else.”

I lift the glass to my lips and take a sip of the tart cocktail, making eye contact with my admirer over the rim. His body leans casually against the wall, one leg bent slightly with his foot propped against the baseboard. Crossed arms cause his shirt to pull across his broad chest and muscular shoulders.

Damn, he’s hot. I think he’s the perfect guy for my plan tonight.

I grace him with a small smile in appreciation and then divert my attention to the drink in my hand. Swirling the contents helps to steady my nerves and I return my gaze across the bar to continue my subtle flirtation only to find the previously occupied spot now empty.

Ugh. I suck at this. I can’t even maintain a guy’s attention long enough to approach him.

Maybe this was a mistake after all.

With a sigh, I down the remaining contents of the glass and begin to stand from my seat.

“You’re not leaving already, are you?” Warmth fans across my ear and the gentle press of a body against my back ignites goosebumps.

I turn ever so slightly and enjoy the delicious, spicy male scent of my companion. “I was thinking about it, but I could be convinced to stay.”

“That’s the best news I’ve had all night.” The mysterious stranger deliberately brushes against me as he slides into the unoccupied barstool to my right and catches the bartender’s attention. “Can we have another round, please?”

“Thank you.” I nervously tuck my long, dark hair behind my ear, hoping my blush is not obvious. From afar he was quite handsome, but up close he’s devastating to the senses.

His hair is closely cropped on the sides and just long enough to hold on to. A couple days of stubble decorates his jaw and frames his lush, kissable lips. Long lashes surround his deep chocolate-colored eyes. Colorful tattoos artistically swirl on his strong forearms, revealed by the untucked black shirt he has rolled and pushed up to his elbows. Dark-wash jeans showcase powerful thighs and end with a pair of heavy black boots.

The bartender slides our drinks across the shiny wood and my drinking partner lifts his glass. “How about a toast…uhm…”

“Jill,” I answer his unasked question. “You can call me Jill”

“Well, Jill, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Jack.” A slight smirk tilts his lips as he turns himself in his seat until he faces me head on. “What should we toast to?”

I pick up my drink and spin my stool in his direction with hesitancy. “To new friends, new adventures, and secret games.” I lift my glass in salute and bring it to my lips for a taste, needing to wet my dry mouth.

“To secret games.” Jack returns the toast and takes a drink of his beer. “So, what brings you to town this evening? I’ve never seen you before and I would remember you, if I had.”

“I’m just passing through on my way back from a business trip.” I hope he doesn’t notice my shaking hands as I tear at the coaster under my drink. I can’t help but wonder if I can follow through with this. If I’m emotionally strong enough to fulfill this fantasy. “The drive was becoming too much and I needed to stop for a break. If I have too many more cocktails, I may have to stay the night and continue my journey in the morning. I take it you’re from around here.”

“More or less.” His non-answer confuses me. “Work brings me here a lot. I pretty much live in this hotel these days.”

“Oh. You already have a room for the night?” I fiddle with my fingers in my lap mentally beating myself up for being so direct and obvious. My naturally naïve nature wars with the outspoken woman I’m trying to portray in the moment.
