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She nods as she reaches out and hugs me. “We married Caldwell brothers, anything else is easy.”

I let out a laugh.

“We have Caldwell’s Dive. This staple in the city. We have Momma’s Nest. A place to give back.”

“We are truly blessed,” she tells me what I already know.

“When I was struggling, you gave me a gift. You gave me some panties.”

Livi smirks the way only Livi does as she exclaims, “Yeah I did.”

“Livi Caldwell, you’re an inspiration. You’re this slice of heaven. You are the good in a world full of bad.”

“Hailey, I’m with you. Whatever it is, okay. Now, cut it out and tell me, what are we getting into?”

“Be the good! It’s a lifestyle brand.”


“You know those social media influencers. The companies with t-shirts about things that matter. Well, Livi Caldwell, we are Be the Good! And we are going to make Caldwell and inspirational panties a household thing. Your fun sayings, think beyond the panties, Livi. What about hats, shirts. We can have special Caldwell cups for your themed drinks even. The sky is the limit. But we are the good. We are the legacy.”

She hugs me tightly. “We are family.”

Yes, we are the Caldwell’s and we will continue to be all things good in this chaotic not so great world we live in. We will work together to be supportive of each other. We will continue on with the gift Momma Caldwell gave her sons.

Kindness counts.

Empathy endures.

Forgiveness heals.

Love overcomes everything.

Be the good in a world full of bad … we absolutely intend to!

Next In Caldwell

“Fist to face. Hit by hit, I’ll take them all. Every day is a new round. Ring the bell. I will not submit. Tapping out is not an option. Fight ‘til I win.”

-Jagger Caldwell.

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