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“Best day ever,” I say as I get out of the vehicle. “Come here.”

She is beaming as she walks quickly toward me. I grab my phone and hold it as far out as I can, then snap a picture of my wife, myself, and the place I hope will honor Momma’s memory.

“Love you, little momma.”

“Love you, Morrison Caldwell.”

A Letter To My Daughter

No two stories are the same, but the power of healing and forgiveness is universal.

This is my story of becoming. This is our story of overcoming.

I found good in a world of bad.

A letter to my daughter.

My Wish For You

My Dearest Marisa,

If you’re reading this, you are growing up much too fast, although all moms feel that way. I married Morrison today, and when the time comes that you meet a boy, a man who comes along and steals your heart, I plan to share this with you.

I loved you before I held you. No one will ever know the depth of my love for you. No one will ever share the bond we have. For you, my Ris Priss, are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside. It beats for you always, my daughter.

Today, we became a real family. Today, I broke the cycle of bad. Today, I give you everything I never had growing up. Today, I made a commitment to Morrison to love him until death do us part. I also made a commitment for you to see our love in action as it grows and ages.

Love is a verb. It is an action. Love is also an emotion. It’s an overpowering, all-consuming feeling. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is unconditional.

Morrison has shown us both love. He has given us both so much better than we had. I never imagined my life could have anything good . . . until I had you, my precious baby girl. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, my life was forever changed for the better.

Before you, I simply existed. I did what I was told without question and without fail. I had no choices. Those were taken from me by life’s situations. My dearest baby girl, no matter what, you have a choice. As your aunt Livi always says, Consent Is Fucking Required. You’re older now, but leave out the “fucking” for your dear mom, please.

You are my reason for being, Ris Priss. You are my princess.

Morrison is a good man. He’s the kind of man I hope you one day find for yourself, the kind of man who shows you he loves you with his actions, not just his words. He is the kind of man who is patient and understands that giving a woman space to find herself if necessary. He is the kind of man who knows when to take the lead and when to fall back and allow me to forge my own path.

Life doesn’t deal us a hand of all aces, but a man like Morrison Caldwell is all aces, no matter what the cards display.

Life isn’t going to be all roses and sunshine, but no matter your situation, you own it and overcome it. You are part of me. It took me a long time to own it, but I am strong and so are you, my precious. Nothing can hold you down.

As I think of your future, my wish for you is happiness.

Find a man with heart, determination, and a desire to be the good in a world of bad. Find a man who can be your light in the darkness. Find a man who is your safe place to fall. Find a man who wants to leave a legacy.

You are my good. You are my legacy. I love you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and more.

Love from the inside to the out,


Something Special


Be the Good – It’s a lifestyle

“Do you trust me?” I ask Livi knowing the answer.

We have grown close, and I truly believe she’s an inspiration to many.

She nods, “Of course I do, what kind of question is that?”

I let out a laugh. “If I called you and needed to hide a body, what would you say?”

Her eyes grow wide in surprise, “I love Morrison but sister, I’ll bring the shovel.” We both laugh.

“If I called you and said we’re going to rob a bank, what would you reply?”

She taps her hand against her mouth, “We should wear gloves, masks, and bigger shoes, oh and a wig. No DNA.”

I nod and find this to be fun. “What if I called you and said I need a vacation?”

“Sister, just give me a day I’ll have the whole thing booked and bags packed!” She beams.

“Okay, serious, I have an idea. One that I think is perfect for us, but I need you to blindly go in with me. Just call it a leap of faith.”

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