Page 35 of Keep Me Safe

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“You were supposed to die!” Ethan said suddenly as his full attention went to Paul again.

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Paul answered evenly as he froze in place. His hand was still outstretched toward Olivia but she had yet to release the wall.

“I know all about you,” Ethan didn’t seem to notice the attempted rescue as he continued his musings. “You used to be a cop but you botched a case. You let a young girl get killed, didn’t you?” Paul didn’t answer so Ethan gave a sharp tug on Olivia’s hair. “Didn’t you?” he demanded again as Olivia gasped at the sudden pain.

Paul clenched his fists as he saw her silent tears. “Yeah, Jodee Sullivan was my underage informant in a drug ring we were trying to bust. I tried to get her out of there but she wouldn’t listen. They learned she was giving me information and they killed her.”

“Doesn’t it bother you, being responsible for an innocent’s death?” Ethan taunted. “And guess what? It’s going to happen again. I’m going to kill Olivia and it will be your fault. She’ll die because she never should have allowed you to touch her. This was a test of her loyalty tonight. She was supposed to dance for me but she wouldn’t do it. She failed the test.”

Paul sensed rather than heard someone moving in behind him. He was tempted to turn to make sure they were friends and not more foes to deal with but he couldn’t take his eyes off Olivia. Every time she tried to ease off the wall, Ethan gave a sharp tug. There was enough lip on the wall to hold her secure but he knew her grip was getting tired. She was beginning to tremble.

“You wouldn’t kill someone you love, would you Ethan?” Paul asked as he eased a little closer.

“I would kill anyone who betrays me!” Ethan retorted angrily. He reached down with his free hand and grabbed Olivia’s throat, pulling her upward. Before she could gain her footing, there was a shout behind Paul. Two agents rushed onto the balcony; at the same time Paul reached frantically for Olivia. His fist wrapped around her wrist as Ethan lost his footing. Ethan grasped desperately for Olivia as his body pitched back over the wall. At the same time Olivia launched herself toward Paul while Paul instinctively jerked her close. She landed hard against him, knocking him to the ground.

It was eerily silent as Paul gathered Olivia’s trembling body into his arms and held her tight. Fear and adrenaline coursed through him as he realized how close he came to losing her. The sound of her sobbing filled his ears and it was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. Beside him, the agents rushed to the rail to peer below. One barked information into his phone as sirens were heard in the distance. None of it mattered because Olivia was safe.

He drew back enough to press a kiss to the top of her head. “It’s over, baby. It’s all over. Ethan Moore will never hurt you again.”


Olivia glanced up as her husband stepped near the viewing window of the dance studio and tapped on the glass. He still wore his uniform and she grimaced at him, making him grin. They were supposed to leave in a few minutes to pick up her parents at the airport, as soon as she finished teaching ballet to this group of adorably clumsy four-year-olds.

It had been one year since her abduction and rescue. Thankfully Ethan never harmed her family as he threatened and she was able to reunite with her parents and sister right away. Immediately after the rescue, Paul insisted she receive trauma counseling as well as medical treatment for her hip. After extensive physical therapy, she was now able to walk without a limp. She could even dance without pain or fear of losing her balance. She also slept easily in her husband’s arms with no recurring nightmares. Sometimes she thought about Ethan. Her life was forever changed because of what he did to her. Yet she was a stronger person now.

Paul expected her to return to her old life with the ballet company – at least on some level since she could never pick up where she left off – but she didn’t want to remain in California. There were too many bad memori

es for her there and she’d found a new home with him in Colorado. When he realized how determined she was to be with him, he swept her off her feet and insisted she marry him quickly.

The investigation concerning Ethan’s crimes and death were ongoing but were handled discreetly since so many levels of government had been tainted by his corruption. Thankfully Olivia was now free of their questioning. Through Olivia’s rescue, Paul realized he needed to rejoin the police force. He was a good cop – always had been, even when the one undercover bust had turned more deadly than it should have. He decided it was time to forgive himself for his part in Jodee’s demise and go back to the work he enjoyed.

Olivia motioned to him through the window, encouraging him to join her in the dance studio. As the little girls practiced plies she crossed the floor to meet him halfway.

“I thought you were going home to change before we leave to pick up my parents,” she admonished as he pulled her into his arms.

“I got off later than expected.” He lowered his voice so no little girls could eavesdrop. “We have plenty of time before their flight gets in. You want to go home now and get me out of this uniform yourself? It’ll take your parents awhile anyway – disembarking the plane, going to the bathroom, collecting their luggage. We have hours,” Paul suggested as he pressed a kiss to her lips. “You know it drives me crazy when you wear these sexy leotards.” He kissed her neck, bending her back over his arm in a very dramatic display. Olivia knew the watching parents would have a fit. The little girls in the class giggled at them – at least the ones who were paying attention.

“That’s an offer I can’t refuse, Officer Justice.” She laughed at his look of surprise. They had a little extra time before her parents’ plane landed, not as much as he suggested – as long as they hurried.

“Oh yeah? Well let’s wrap up this dance class before you change your mind. Girls, it’s time for your final curtsey,” he called out to the little dancers who were obviously ready to be done. One was laying on the floor.

Olivia gave her husband a flirty wink. “I won’t change my mind, Paul. You see, I have a secret I want to share with you.”

“Oh yeah? Tell me now,” he ordered as he tried to kiss her again. She pushed him away.

“I shouldn’t but I know you’ll pester me until I give in. Okay, here it is.” She paused as he eyed her expectantly. His gaze narrowed and grew watchful as she clutched her fingers together with sudden nerves.

“Liv? Tell me.”

With a deep breath she nodded. “How do you feel about turning the guest bedroom into a nursery? We have about seven and a half months to get it ready. What do you say?” Olivia laughed as Paul’s eyes widened in surprise. It wasn’t often he was struck speechless. Not many things caught him off guard but she’d leveled him with a big one. “You okay? Maybe I should drive? Let’s go home and get you changed.”

Paul blinked a few times then grinned. “You’ve got it, Liv honey.” He put his arm around her shoulders and hustled her out of the studio. The little girls filed out too. “Wow, I’m really going to be a dad?” he asked softly, still looking shocked but pleased as he made his way to the front doors. Parents gave them curious looks but none intercepted them. It wouldn’t have mattered if they tried.

Olivia nodded as she hugged him close and grinned. “Yeah, we’re going to be parents.” She never would have believed it possible two years ago while still dealing with Ethan’s terror.

Life was good since the nightmare was finally over.

