Page 32 of Keep Me Safe

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“If we make him suspicious by pulling her out too soon, we may not have enough to put him away for good. He could disappear. Which would put her on the run again. You don’t want him going free on a technicality. If he gets off or sneaks away, she’ll be at risk.”

“She’s at risk now,” Paul reminded the cool FBI director. “She’s the one suffering at your leisure.” He’d had enough of this nonsense. He turned on his heel and strode from the office.

“Don’t do anything foolish, Justice!” Tasha called out but he ignored her. It was time to keep his word to Olivia.


“Come here, little butterfly,” Ethan crooned as he eyed her with appreciation. Olivia stood in the doorway and refused to enter the living room. Both her head and face throbbed, maybe from the car accident but definitely from his beating. She was afraid Ethan wanted to go another round, testing her will. She didn’t want to face him again but she was ready. She wouldn’t let him catch her off-guard this time.

Ethan crossed the room and took her hand like a gallant gentleman from a previous century. She flinched at his touch but allowed him to lead her into the room as she eyed him warily.

“You look lovely in the dress I chose for you.” His gaze roamed over her trim figure pressed in the too-tight black evening gown. It was classically beautiful and hugged her curves, yet she’d put on a little weight since leaving Ethan. Now she found it hard to breathe, and she hated the ridiculous stilettos. He knew it was difficult for her to keep her balance in the shoes yet he always insisted she wear them. It was his fault she’d been injured and she knew the shoes were a reminder that he was in control of her fate as he was in control of everything.

“Pour us a drink,” he ordered as he led her to the side bar filled with various liquors. “We have much to celebrate.” Olivia clutched the counter then obediently reached for his favorite expensive brandy. He stopped her before she could pour it. “Not that. Get the champagne. See, it’s chilling in the bucket.” He watched her closely. His dark gaze never left her face as she attempted to do as he ordered. So far she didn’t see a reason to fight him but she would bide her time. Escape would come if she was careful.

She poured the golden liquid into the flutes then handed him one. It took all her self-discipline to keep from flinging it in his face. It wasn’t easy to remain impassive in front of the man who made her life hell and planned to continue.

“To us!” Ethan toasted. “To our eternal future, never being separated again. You can’t live without me, you know. Weren’t you miserable these past months?” He closed the gap and drew her close against his body. Olivia turned her face away in revulsion.

Ethan laughed. “So cruel, Olivia. You know I can force you to kiss me. I can force you to do anything I want.” He reached for the thin pearl strap at her shoulder and gave it a quick vicious tug. The strap broke and pearls scattered across the marble floor. It was a shameless waste to destroy such a beautiful and expensive gown but Ethan didn’t care. Thankfully the gown was so tight it stayed in place. Olivia remained impassive. The terror that once gripped her when she faced him was now gone. He could kill her but he would never break her spirit. He would never touch her will. And he wouldn’t have the pleasure of hearing her beg for mercy.

Ethan reached in his pocket and pulled out a couple of pills. He dropped them into his glass and swirled the liquid, watching the pills spin with the tiny bubbles. “Want one? You should,” he retorted when she shook her head in distaste. “You’re far too serious and uptight, Olivia,

and this is a night for celebration. Come, party with me!” He reached for her glass but she held it away. With a shrug he gave up and tossed back the contents of his own glass. He then refilled the champagne flute with brandy. After adding a few more colorful pills to the liquid he drank that down as well. “Now we will have fun,” he said with a gasp as the burning liquid trailed down his throat.

“Where’s my dinner?” he bellowed for Dirken, making Olivia flinch. She knew the effects of his drugs and alcohol would take hold quickly and he would be even more unpredictable than usual. She eased away from him and sought a safer place along the wall.

Dirken appeared with a cart laden with covered dishes. Ethan sauntered over to the dining table and pulled out his chair as Dirken served the food. Olivia remained with her back pressed against the wall. Maybe Ethan would forget she was there and she could find an opportunity to escape. She watched warily as Ethan picked up a steak knife and cut into the tender filet. Dirken hovered over him as he poured a glass of red wine. The last thing Ethan needed was more alcohol. Dirken filled a second glass to the brim with wine and set it before the second plate. His gaze met hers across the room.

She never cared for Dirken; she certainly didn’t trust him. She often wondered if he had a soul since he was willing to do all of Ethan’s dirty work and never batted an eye, regardless of the request. There was a lot of blood on his hands. He wasn’t the smartest man but Olivia knew better than to let her guard down around him. She met his gaze evenly, waiting for him to make the next move. She wouldn’t be surprised if he crossed the room and forcibly brought her to the table. It wouldn’t be the first time she was manhandled by him.

Ethan chugged down the glass of wine and reached for the bottle. Olivia watched as Dirken bent and picked up a few of the scattered pearls from her dress. He deftly slipped them into his pocket as he boldly met her gaze. She wasn’t shocked to see him stealing from Ethan. If he was willing to pocket a couple of pearls, what else had he taken? And could he be persuaded to help her? She never considered Dirken as an ally but maybe under the right circumstances –

“Olivia! Get over here!” Ethan bellowed. “Get her,” he barked at Dirken.

His man crossed the room to facilitate Ethan’s orders. Before Olivia could resist and come of her own accord, Dirken’s meaty fist closed over her shoulder.

“I’ll go,” Olivia insisted. She tried to shrug off his hand but his fingers remained firm, digging into her flesh.

“You need my help; that’s what I’m here for,” Dirken murmured as he guided her toward the table.

Olivia gave him a sharp look; would he help her? Maybe he’d had a change of heart? No, she didn’t like the expression in his eyes. Dirken would never be her ally. Normally his look was bland but now she could see his interest in her as a woman as he stared back at her. He wanted her and there was nothing gentle or compassionate in his gaze. If Ethan turned his back, she would be in even greater trouble – and she doubted the few self-defense moves Paul taught her would work against this brute of a man. His attitude toward her seemed different now that she was back, less professional. Did he think she was easy pickings since she’d been close to a man other than Ethan?

Dirken’s hand skimmed down the bare flesh of her back as he pulled out her chair. Olivia clenched her jaw and slipped quickly into the seat. His stroking fingers made her shiver with intense dislike. She shot a quick glance at Ethan. Had he seen Dirken’s sly touch? Ethan’s gaze was narrow and his fork was paused midway to his mouth. Yep, he saw, and he didn’t look pleased. Her first instinct was to pacify him and insist he was imagining things but she kept her teeth clamped together. She knew he would blame her for tempting Dirken and Dirken would never take the blame for anything. Whatever. What was one more misplaced sin heaped upon her head?

“Dirken, get my laptop,” Ethan barked.

Dirken tore his gaze from Olivia. “Boss?”


Dirken wore a puzzled look since it was out of character for Ethan to work through dinner. He always treated his meals as a formal affair and never interrupted himself with any manner of business – until tonight. Olivia felt equally disturbed. Ethan did evil things when he used a computer and it meant someone was going to suffer.

Ethan pointed to the plate in front of her. “Eat, Olivia,” he ordered as he went back to his meal as though nothing was wrong. Olivia reluctantly picked up her fork and took a bite of the risotto; she’d been given her favorite food rather than a filet like Ethan ate. He probably didn’t want her to have a knife, she thought with a smirk. The risotto was wonderful but she didn’t have the stomach for it as nerves tightened in her abdomen. Would he harm her family because of Dirken? She prayed for the millionth time that he would leave them alone.

Dirken returned with the laptop and wordlessly set the computer on the table beside Ethan. Ethan nodded and immediately went to work. Dirken took a respectful step back. His expression was bland but Olivia could see the tension in his posture. He didn’t even glance in her direction.

Soon Ethan finished his work and shut the computer. Dirken stepped forward to remove the computer but Ethan raised his hand, stopping him. “You find Olivia attractive, don’t you, Dirken?” Ethan asked. He sounded sober and his gaze was deadly as he turned to look at the henchman that had served him faithfully for years. “I saw you touch her.”
