Page 23 of Keep Me Safe

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“Because I mean it,” Paul assured her as he tugged her closer. “Now pack your things. We need to get out of here.”


Ethan laughed with glee as his fingers flew over the keyboard. “Very ingenious, Detective Justice. Oh, but you’re not a detective anymore, are you? You had some bad business with a drug dealer, didn’t you?” he chortled at the computer screen. “You think you’re smart with this extra security measure but I’m smarter, you annoying fool! All you’ve done is irritate me. You’ll never stop me, Paul Justice. I don’t know who you think you are, but you will never stand between me and my butterfly. Olivia belongs to me!” His fingers tapped the keyboard. In a matter of seconds he had access to everything he wanted.

Olivia believed she could escape him and she’d led him on a merry chase these past months. It’d been fun flushing her out of the different hideaways she’d chosen. But he was growing weary of the game. It was time for her to come home. She needed to be punished for her disobedience and then they would get on with their lives. “Never separate. One entity in life and death for all eternity,” he mused aloud.

The room was dark except for the glow of the computer screen. When Dirken stepped into Ethan’s private sanctuary, Ethan frowned in irritation. He didn’t like to be interrupted when he worked and Dirken assumed too much. He pr

etended to have an eagerness to please, but Ethan suspected he had ulterior motives. He’d always been jealous of his relationship with Olivia. She enticed every man who looked at her with her ripe red lips and her luscious body. She lured men into her trap. He couldn’t blame Dirken for lusting after her; he was a victim of her seductions the same way Ethan was. But he would have to keep a close watch on his faithful employee.

“You found her, boss?” Dirken asked as he set a tall glass of green liquid on the corner of Ethan’s desk. Ah yes, his fortification. If it weren’t for Dirken, he would forget to nourish himself. Perhaps Dirken was still useful. He eyed the man suspiciously. He was overly interested in Olivia’s whereabouts. Why did he want to know?

“Of course I’ve found her, you idiot. I always find her. Now it’s a matter of how I’m going to capture her this time. We won’t allow her to slip away again.” He chuckled pleasantly which drew an answering smile from Dirken. His henchman wasn’t a handsome man but he was strong and muscular. Did Olivia find him attractive? Would she want to have an affair with him? For that matter, was she allowing Paul Justice to touch her? No! She wouldn’t! The thought of another man running his hands over her body made him sick with fury. She belonged to him! He forced himself to take a deep cleansing breath before he reached for the glass of green liquid. “Thank you for bringing my meal, Dirken. You’re very thoughtful,” he said mildly before taking a sip of the drink. There was nothing pleasant about the taste but many things in life were unpleasant. It was a lesson he’d had to share with Olivia. Some things in life caused pain. She would have to be reminded.

“I’m happy to serve you, boss,” Dirken said with a nod before he bowed out of the office.

Ethan barely heard him as he turned back to the computer screen. He’d tapped into Paul Justice’s personal computer, his security cameras, and also had recording capabilities of his cell phone. Now all he needed was a plan. It had to be perfect. The punishment had to be complete and utterly devastating. Olivia had betrayed him by running away. Then she turned to another man.

Another man!

In a burst of rage Ethan threw the glass against the wall. It shattered, while the green liquid splattered, staining the pale wallpaper. He stared grimly at the mess but all he really saw was Olivia. His woman. In the arms of another man. She needed to learn her place. “Soon,” he muttered. “Soon, I will close my hands around your long slender neck. Your pulse will beat frantically beneath my fingers and you’ll plead for mercy. And that’s when I will make you mine again so you will forget you ever left.”


“They’re here, Liv honey. Dylan just pulled up,” Paul called from his position at the front window. “You ready?”

Olivia nodded from her seat in the corner of Paul’s room as he strode to the door. “Are you sure you can trust them?”

“Dylan Beck is my oldest friend; we went to the academy together then served on the same force in Nevada for years. He owes me a million favors. His wife, Kate, is tough but sweet and no one messes with her. They help battered wives escape abusive husbands. They’ve helped witnesses relocate to safety. Undercover work is their specialty. We both can trust them.”

Their credentials sounded promising but Olivia wasn’t convinced because she knew Ethan. She was terrified to leave the condo, even in disguise. As soon as she stepped outside she knew one of his men would snatch her. “We’re going to switch places with them and drive away. You think it’ll be that simple?”

“I do,” Paul answered with confidence. He was saved from elaborating when there was a knock on the door downstairs. “I’ll let them in. Stay up here until I call for you.”

A few minutes passed. Olivia could hear voices downstairs as she waited anxiously. Finally she heard Paul call for her. She grabbed her duffle and joined the others downstairs.

Dylan Beck was a tall man with a muscular build similar to Paul’s. His wife, Kate, was Olivia’s height with short curly brown hair. She was also very pregnant. As they pulled off their warm outer wear and piled the coats on Paul, Kate reached under her sweater and unstrapped her belly.

“Huh?” Olivia threw Paul a confused look and the others laughed.

“It’s all part of the disguise, sweetheart,” Dylan answered with a grin. He took the false belly from Kate and showed Olivia the zipper compartment on the back. “It’s a great suitcase. You can stuff all your essentials in here. I was thinking about marketing the mama belly as nontraditional travel gear.”

Kate elbowed her husband and took the belly back from him. “Don’t listen to him, Olivia. He likes to tease but we do take this very seriously. Let me help you strap this on.”

Soon Olivia wore Kate’s curly brown wig, her colorful sweater, and she looked very pregnant. She patted the round stomach and imagined what her life would be like without Ethan. Maybe she could have had a normal life with plans for a family – with someone like Paul. Color filled her cheeks and it was difficult to meet his gaze. When she couldn’t stand it any longer she looked up and saw the strange look on his face. Was he imagining her carrying his child? And if so, did he like the idea?

“Whew, is it hot in here or what? You two could melt a glacier,” Dylan teased as he glanced from Paul to Olivia and back to Paul. His wife threw him an exasperated look. “Anyway,” he cleared his throat. “Here’s a clean phone. And car keys. I’ve got the unmarked car in the garage, gassed and ready to go. Money under the seat. Let me know if you need anything else.”

Paul reached out and shook Dylan’s hand. “Thanks buddy. I owe you one.”

Dylan clapped him on the back. “Naw, I still owe you a few more. Just take care of yourself and keep your head down until this thing blows over. I’ll stay on top of the details from my end and will keep you posted.”

Paul took ahold of Olivia’s hand while she tugged the collar of Kate’s coat higher around her face. “Ready?”

She knew her eyes were round with fear so she pressed her lips in a tight line as she fought to get a grip. This was nothing new. She’d escaped Ethan several times and she’d outwit him again. And this time she had Paul by her side, looking out for her. “Let’s go,” she whispered.

He threw open the door and stepped outside. He wasn’t in a hurry and he turned and waved at Dylan who stood in the doorway. Kate was nowhere in sight and Dylan looked just like Paul as he stood in the shadows. Olivia also waved and rested her hand on her pregnant belly as Kate reminded her to do. Paul slipped his arm around her shoulders and they walked slowly to Dylan’s car.
