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Adam was silent for a moment, then looked up with narrowed eyes.

“I’m sorry, I have to know who your dad and sister are. I’m too curious.”

Wes chuckled. He’d heard Gus say that too: I’m too curious.

Wes pulled out his phone and showed Adam their IMDb pages.

“You changed your name?” Adam asked.

“It’s my mom’s last name.”

“I don’t think I’ve seen anything they’re in, but they definitely look familiar.” He made a picture of them at the Emmys bigger and brought the phone closer.

“You look a bit like your dad, I guess. But not like your sister.”

Wes nodded. Adam’s finger hovered over the screen.

“You can look,” Wes said, resigned.

“Huh?” Adam looked at him innocently.

“Go ahead, it’s fine.”

Adam bit his lip, then clicked the link on his dad’s profile that led to Westley Brennan.

Wes gazed at the flickering fire on Adam’s television.

“Oh my god, your hair,” Adam murmured. “Wow.” Then he passed Wes back the phone. “You were pretty cute,” he said.

Then he swung over Wes’ lap and put his hands on Wes’ shoulders.

“But you’re absolutely stunning now.”

Wes shrugged. He knew Adam meant well, but he still didn’t like to have his looks commented on.

“I won’t say it again if you don’t want,” Adam said, perceptive as ever. “There’s so many more important things about you that are also stunning.”

Wes’ heart fluttered.

“Yeah?” he asked, and heard the roughness in his voice. He couldn’t quite bring himself to ask what they were, but he desperately wanted Adam to tell him.

“Oh, yeah.”

Wes swallowed hard. Adam’s blue eyes were luminous and tender.

“You’re very kind,” Adam said.

Wes closed his eyes. His family would certainly disagree with that. A soft kiss was dropped on one eyelid, then the other.

“You’re incredibly smart.”

A kiss on each cheek.

“You’re kinda funny, turns out.”

Wes snorted and got a kiss on his forehead.

“You’re generous.”

A kiss on his chin.

“And you’re very, very sexy.”

Adam caught his mouth in a sweet kiss that deepened into searching tongues and the hot crush of lips.

Wes’ body came alive with desire for the sweet, sexy man in his lap.

“Adam,” he breathed between kisses.

“Wes, god. I like you so much,” Adam said.

Heat bloomed in Wes’ stomach. Not the heady fever of lust but the steady, banked heat of care. Of something you want to keep burning.

“I like you too,” Wes said. Then added, “So much,” because it paled in comparison to what he felt.

The expression of joy on Adam’s face was something Wes would carry with him for a long time. Adam’s fingertips traced his face.

“I was thinking of you. Earlier,” Wes continued, the confessions seeming to spill out of him tonight. “I couldn’t concentrate. Kept wondering what you and Gus were doing. How you were.”

He brushed Adam’s blond hair back from his face, the fine strands catching on his roughened palms.

“I was thinking about you too,” Adam said with a giddy smile. “I didn’t want to bug you.”

“I like bugs,” Wes murmured, and Adam giggled, then shushed him with a kiss.

Adam ground his hips against Wes’ thickening erection and Wes threw his head back.

“C’mon,” Adam said, standing and tugging at his hand. His eyes were heavy lidded, lips swollen. He was irresistible.

Wes allowed himself to be led down the hall to Adam’s bedroom, but the second the door was locked behind them, he grabbed Adam and threw him onto the bed.

Adam moaned, looking up at Wes and biting his lip. Yes, he mouthed.

Wes stripped him and pressed his shoulders to the mattress, licking at his pert nipples. Adam writhed beneath him, trembling at each swipe of Wes’ tongue and gasping at each nibble of his teeth.

Adam fumbled in the bedside table, coming up with a bottle of lube and a condom and dropping them on the bed. His pupils were blown.

“Want you,” he said. “Please?”

Soles of his feet on the bed, Adam let his knees fall apart, baring creamy thighs, dark blond hair, and a ruddy erection already leaking for Wes.

“Damn.” The scent of skin and desire was heady.

Wes bent to kiss the pale skin of Adam’s inner thighs. He rubbed his cheek on the soft flesh and Adam gasped. Wes rubbed harder, and the skin turned pink. Adam’s hands fisted the sheets.

“What else do you have in there?” Wes murmured, eyeing the drawer that had produced lube and condoms.

Adam flushed, but grinned. He twisted just enough to pull open the drawer, and Wes was treated to a colorful glimpse of toys. Adam pulled out a small black toy that fit over two fingers. He pressed a button and it began to vibrate.

Adam raised an eyebrow and moved to put it away and grab something else, but Wes stopped him.

“Show me the rest later,” he said, and took the small vibrating ring.

Wes undressed slowly, watching Adam’s flush move down to his neck, then his chest. He was so pale Wes could trace the veins from his throat to his groin.

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