Page 29 of Take It All

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“I will do whatever I have to for this family. And with that said, as much as I love our kids, it’s our time now. My first thought is going to be how something will affect you, but in that I know you’ll be thinking about our children. You’re a damn good mom, Anna.”

He always has such faith in me, even with my background.

”I did my best. I know not everything I did was right but—” My eyes sting with tears.

“Don’t. I’m not going to listen to that bullshit. You never hurt anyone, at least anyone that didn’t have it coming. All that is in the past, and how you protected you and our daughter is all that matters.”

“Rory.” There is no holding back the stupid tears because he is killing me.

“You’re a good mom, but I’d love it if you’d be my wife too.” He reaches into his pocket and takes out a ring. “I’ve been trying to find the right time, but I can’t wait anymore.”

“Don’t wait.” I lift my hand for him to put the ring on. “Rory! I’m going to hurt someone with this thing,” I laugh as he settles it onto my finger. “Of course I’ll marry you.”

“I wasn't really giving you a choice.” His smirk is unbelievably sexy.

“Don’t even think about taking me to the courthouse,” I tease. “As crazy as it sounds, I want to do this right. I want a wedding.” I never thought I’d say that in my life, but I want to celebrate this moment and I want my daughter and Apollo there.

“I want that too,” he agrees.

“Then you’re going to show me the world.”

He nods and tightens his hold on me. “I’ll show you anything as long as I’m by your side.”

“Good, because that’s right where I want you.”



A little while later…

“Think of this as a trial run,” I tell Apollo as he looks out the window to find Celeste.

“I’m counting down the days.” He looks back and smiles at me, and I can see the genuine love in his eyes.

“I’m so damn proud of you,” I tell him as I walk over and hug him close.

“Oh, Dad, you’re not going to get all sappy on me, are you?” he teases and hugs me back.

“Yes. It’s my wedding day, and I get to do whatever I want.”

“How is this different from any other day?”

When I pull back to look at him, he’s smiling. “Well, to be fair, it’s your mom's day, and she’s allowing me to participate when necessary.”

“You love it.” He squeezes my shoulder, and I nod.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

There’s a knock on the door, and when I turn around, I see Shy entering the room wearing his matching tuxedo.

“Hey guys,” he says softly.

Our relationship is going slowly, but when I asked him to be a part of my wedding, he didn’t hesitate. He’s a good kid, and all he really needed was someone he could count on.

“You look almost as good as me,” Apollo teases as he goes over to the mirror and brushes back his hair.

“You wish.” Shy smirks as he leans against the wall and watches.

“According to the schedule, we’re right on time.” I flip through the next page and nod. “Looks like you two need to be at the front of the garden to greet guests, and I’m going to find my almost-wife for a sneaky squeeze.”

“TMI,” Apollo groans as he pats Shy on the shoulder. “Let’s get out of here before he makes us watch.”

“I’m right behind you,” Shy says, but just when he’s about to leave, I call his name. He turns around, and I smile as I walk over to where he’s at.

“It means so much to me that you’re a part of this today,” I say, and before he can protest, I pull him into a hug just the same as I did with Apollo. “Thank you.”

He’s silent for a beat, and then I feel him pat my back as he nods. “Thank you for asking me.”

When I let him go, Apollo is there watching the two of us. “I’m glad you’re here too,” he says and offers his fist out for a bump.

Shy does the same, and they walk out talking in low voices about something I can’t hear. I wouldn’t say they’re close yet, but they’re working on it. Like most things, time heals all wounds.

Once they’re gone, I sneak out into the hallway and tiptoe down the hall. When I get to the door that’s decorated in pink and white, I knock softly.

“Rory, that better not be you,” Anna says, and I smile to myself.

“I’ll close my eyes,” I promise, but we both know it’s bullshit.


Without waiting for her to say okay, I open the door and then lock it quickly behind me. Instead of turning around, I face the door, trying my best to not look at her. “You didn’t actually think I could go all this time without seeing you?”

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