Page 7 of My Only One

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“I’m pulling up.”

“To my place?”

“Yeah. I brought the car.”

“Oh. Yeah. I forgot,” I fake. He must have mentioned that after I passed out.

“No. You fell asleep.”

“Way to call a girl out. No wonder you’re single.” I huff as I grab my keys and head toward the door.

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” I hear him say as I close and lock the door to my place. I can tell he is smiling even though I can’t see him, which causes me to smile too. I don’t even bother to respond since I’m only a few feet away from where he is parked. I hang up on him just to make a point before I head his way. All of a sudden I feel nervous to get in the car with him. It’s as if something has changed between us but neither of us are sure how to handle it. My mind races as I approach the car. Thoughts of him calling me darling on a regular basis gives me butterflies. I school my expression and get my breathing under control. I must have zoned out for a few seconds because before I know it, I hear Mack’s voice.

“You going to get in the car?”

I look up to see him standing with the passenger side door held open for me. I’m not sure why it surprises me. He’s always such a gentleman. I should have expected it. Is it possible that he looks even more handsome today than he did yesterday? I mumble a good morning to him because that’s about all I can manage at this point. I climb into the car and he shuts the door. Leading him to believe that I’m my normal grumpy self and not that I’m suddenly confused about our relationship.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Mack walks around, opens the driver’s side door and gets in. He lifts up a coffee from the cup holder, handing it to me. I take a sip and of course it’s made exactly how I take my coffee. “Sorry for falling asleep on you.” I give. He only smiles bigger at me.

“Not going to lie. It was easier for me to narrow down cars for you to test drive without having you shoot down all the ones I picked.” I snort a laugh because I know he’s right. He hands me a bag and I know without looking it has a chocolate chip muffin inside.

“I don’t know why I try to even fight you sometimes.” I shake my head as I take a giant sip of my coffee. We continue to drive in silence while I eat until we make it to the office. After parking the car, we take the elevator until we reach the floor where my lab is located.

“You hanging around here all day?” I turn to look at Mack as he holds open the door for me to enter my office. He really is handsome. I think the way he treats me makes him even more so. It’s why this attraction I have for him keeps growing.

“You’re welcome for the ride to work.” He raises a smug eyebrow, handing me the keys to the car so I have them. Our fingers graze and I jerk back from the instant heat that my body feels. You’d think I never touched him before. What is wrong with me?

“We should sleep together,” I blurt out. “Something weird is happening here. I think my body is having a reaction to yours. Maybe if we have sex it will pass.”

Mack stands there for a moment looking shocked.

Self-doubt creeps into my mind. What if he doesn’t want to sleep with me? I’ve seen the women that come on to him. “Unless you don’t want to. It was just an idea,” I try and say it like it’s no big deal as I turn to head toward my work area wondering if I’ve only just made things worse.

Chapter 6


We should sleep together?

We should sleep together?!

I nearly bust down the lab door, but inside, the white coats make me halt. Everyone’s busy doing important work. In here, lives are being saved. Sure, a good portion of the DNA tests are for customers just seeking some watercooler info to share, but Dally does work for law enforcement. Currently, Dally’s viewing some gibberish on a computer. I back away. There’ll be time enough to confront her about this later.

Until then, I need to get everything ready. An image of my bedroom pops into my head. Laundry was delivered a couple of days ago and I haven’t put anything away. I rarely put anything away. I mean, what’s the point when I’m taking stuff out anyway? I’ve got folded towels on the counter in the bathroom and T-shirts on my dresser. If—no, strike that—when I take Dally home tonight, the place has got to be clean.

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