Page 21 of My Only One

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“You’re awake.” I drop my hand from my mouth to meet Mack’s eyes in the mirror. He comes up behind me, moving my hair off my shoulder to kiss the bare skin there. My shirt has slipped off, exposing it to him. To be honest, it’s his shirt that I picked up and slipped on.

“I smelled food,” I try and tease. He turns me in his arms so that I’m staring at his chest. How can a person look so hot in a T-shirt? I suddenly feel shy. Touching him in the heat of the moment is much different than the position we are in now. Everything seems more intimate. Even though we’ve said I love yous, we also said this was only going to be sex. We agreed that we needed to get whatever this is out of our systems. He lifts me up and sits me on the sink.

“Hey, you shouldn’t be lifting me!” I snip at him.

This man is the worst at following doctor’s orders. My eyes immediately go to where I know he’s hurt. I try to lift his shirt but he stops me. My head snaps up to meet his eyes. I can tell from the sheepish look on his face he’s trying to hide something. I bet he overdid it last night and he’s hurting today. I’m about to push the issue but he interrupts me.

“Food, darling.” He kisses me. For a moment I get lost in it. I know what he’s doing but I allow it for now. He thinks he’s so slick with his distractions. I give in, knowing that I have all day to see exactly how his body is doing after all of that exertion last night.

“I’m starving,” I say as I begin to scoot down from the sink. I give him a quick kiss and head for the kitchen. “Are you coming or are you going to stare at my ass all day?”

He smiles big and wide. “I’m going to be coming as soon as I get you fed. You’re lucky I still have some sense left with you prancing around in my shirt.” I shake my head at him and add a little extra sway to my hips.

I moan as I take the last bite of the frittata that Mack made from scratch. I’m so full that I feel sleepy but I know I need to make sure that he’s okay. “How much are you hurting today?” I watch as he thinks about his answer carefully.

“I’m fine.” I don’t believe him so I get up and motion for him to lift his shirt. He reluctantly does it. “They don’t hurt,” he says as my eyes land on his angry-looking incisions. I immediately feel bad because I shouldn’t have let him get so physical last night, but we got wrapped up in the moment.

“We’re taking it easy today.” Mack sighs before he grabs me by my waist and pulls me into his lap. I let him because I crave the intimacy with him. He kisses me slowly, calming me down.

“Fine. We’ll take it easy today,” he concedes as he plays with a lock of my hair. “Since I’m hurt, you can ride my cock all day while I watch.” He’s so pleased with his solution that it makes me smile.

Chapter 16


The doorbell rings before Dally and I can get our clothes off.

“Let’s ignore it,” I whisper against her mouth.

But it rings again and then again. She pushes me off. “Go get rid of whoever is there.”

“Fine. Fine,” I grumble as I plod toward the door. I check out the security cam and see a person wearing a bunny suit carrying an Easter egg basket. “Uh, did you order a singing telegram?”

“No. Why?” Dally comes over to join me in the entry.

I point to the camera as the person waves.

“Is that…who I think it is?” Dally sputters.

With a heavy sigh, I wrench open the door. “Mom. Really?”

My cat mewls in dismay at the giant furry bunny in my door. Dally reaches down to pick her up.

“How can you tell it’s me?” Mom’s voice is muffled by the giant rabbit head.

“I didn’t. It was Dally.” I reach over and pull the head off.

Mom shakes her long hair out and frowns. “I’m in a rabbit suit and only Dally and your cat recognize me? I’m disappointed.” She waves her mittened hand toward the drive, where I see my dad’s black Maybach idling.

I guess we aren’t having any morning sex. I back out of the doorframe so my mom can enter. “Do you want some coffee?”

“I would love some.” She leans forward and kisses Dally’s cheek. “How are you, darling?”

“Good. It’s great to see you, Luna. You look fabulous in your rabbit costume.”

“Thank you. Mack’s father said—”

“Mom, please, no stories about what Dad thinks of you in that getup.” I shudder. My erections will die forever under the weight of that image.

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