Page 2 of My Only One

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Glass cracks under Mack’s shoes as he keeps moving closer. I am only wearing flip flops. I was planning to take a swim—after Mack left, of course. The pool here is wonderful and as much as I am okay with my curvy body I don’t want to get undressed in front of a Greek god because that’s exactly what Mack looks like. He may try to hide it but he is rock solid under those baggy clothes he’s always wearing. If I gave the man a hammer and he grew out his hair, he’d be Thor. The prodigal son and all.

I let out a small scream when I’m lifted off my feet into his arms. “Wrap your arms around me,” he demands.

His tone does things to me. It should piss me off but, like always when Mack is around, my vagina and brain don’t agree. I always try and reason why I’m so attracted to him but know it’s because he is perfectly symmetrical. It’s natural for my body to want his. I’ve even read a study about women being drawn to men’s thighs and well, Mack’s are perfect. See, it isn’t my fault that I am one of many women who think he’s attractive.

“Dally,” he snaps at me. I do as I’m told, glaring at him as I wrap my arms around his neck. I hope this masks the desire that I’m really feeling right now.

“You don’t like to be touched,” I remind him.

“I’ve never told you not to touch me,” he counters. No he hasn’t. I have seen him lean away from me on occasion though. I’ve gotten the message loud and clear.

I let out a humorless laugh. “You didn’t have to say it, Mack. Your actions have spoken volumes.” I try and wiggle as he clears the broken glass so he can put me down but he doesn’t immediately. He stares down at my face with a look that I can’t read as he slowly puts me on my feet.

“Touch me all you want.” My heart starts to race at the low tone of his voice. It’s then I realize I’m pressed up against him. I jump back, making sure we have a little space between us. My body is begging me to get closer but I deny myself because I’m unsure of how to react.

“Are you sure you’re not the one who doesn’t want to touch?” he asks. I can’t tell if he’s serious or teasing. Either way, I turn and run.

Chapter 2


“That girl’s going to be a tough nut to crack, but if you think she’s worth it, just stick with it. I have confidence in you.” My Aunt Sav pats me on the back. A few other family members cast pity looks in my direction which make me, a guy who is 6’ 5”, feel small.

I drag a frustrated hand down my face. Dally and I have known each other for years. I’ve been in love with her for years. I’ve done everything I could from funding her DNA testing company to helping her move—five times.

And It’s not that I expect sex in exchange for being there for her. It’s that I don’t get why she thinks I don’t want her to touch me or that I spend time with her because it’s convenient. I want to be with her 24/7. If that were an option, if I didn’t think she’d spend the majority of that time hiding from me, I would be by her side constantly.

To this day, I’m not certain if she’s afraid of me, afraid of contact with males, or maybe just doesn’t like me. Not to be an asshole, but, generally speaking, most women like me—too much, in fact. There’s hardly a day that goes by without some random woman trying to slide her number in my pocket. I’ve gotten pretty adept at turning them down by either playing really dumb or pretending I’ve got a girlfriend. The thing is I’ve been single forever and it looks like I’m going to stay that way so long as Dally thinks that being close to me is as bad as sticking her hand over an open flame.

Predictably, Dally avoids me the entirety of the barbecue. My sister, Star, gives me a squeeze and tells me to stay strong before she waddles off with her wife. I stare after the two of them with envy gleaming in my eyes. They’re together and happy—basically living the life I want to be living with Dally.

I allow myself five more seconds of self-pity before pulling up my balls and marching over to Dally, who is in the process of trying to carry three trays of leftovers into the kitchen.

“I’ll take these,” I say, sweeping food out of her arms. “Why don’t you grab the salad?”

“I was fine,” she argues with a small scowl furrowing her forehead. “I’m a lot stronger than I look, you know.”

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