Page 12 of My Only One

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This time, though, he grabs me. His hand tangles into my hair as he pulls me down to him. Our mouths come crushing together. It’s not soft and sweet as you’d imagine a first kiss together would be. It’s filled with desperation. I let out a whimper, pushing back into the kiss. I should be telling him to stop. We shouldn’t be doing this right now but holy hell this feels so right. My heart races in my chest. The thought that this may never have had an opportunity to happen between us is overwhelming. It makes me want to kiss him forever.

“Dally.” Mack pulls back to look at me. “Why are you crying? Were you hurt too?” I reach up to touch my cheeks, not realizing I’ve shed some tears.

“No, I’m just so happy you’re okay. I thought—I thought—” I can’t even finish the words. Not having him in my world… I can’t even finish the thought. It rocks me to my core when I think about what could have happened. All the time we’ve wasted because we’re both either too stubborn or idiots. I make myself a promise to not waste another second.

“I’m fine,” he comforts me. I’m the one that should be comforting him right now. This time I kiss him. I can’t help myself. I need to feel his mouth against mine to reassure myself. My mouth parts, granting his tongue entrance. This time our kiss is softer and sweet. We both savor the moment. We both fall into an easy rhythm as our mouths say what we are not yet willing to. Each time I think about how the circumstances could have been different and how I might not have ever known what it was like to kiss him, my heart feels heavy. It’s an odd feeling to feel sad and happy at the same time.

“I’m super excited you two are finally coming to terms with shit but we’re in a hospital.” I freeze at the sound of Star’s voice. I hear Maisie let out a giggle. I try and pull back but Mack holds on to me. He’s not willing to let me move an inch. He brushes his mouth against mine one last time before letting me go. I hop off the bed, straightening my clothes and hair. I don’t know why I feel the need to do this since they already caught us in the act. There is no hiding what we were doing. Maisie is smiling so big I fear she is going to explode into a pile of glitter.

“This is so exciting.” Maisie wiggles around, almost dancing.

“This is not the time, sweetheart.” Star wraps her arm around Maisie, pulling her close. “My brother was shot. I think we’re supposed to be all sad and shit.”

“It was just a graze.” Maisie waves like it is no big deal. I swallow wishing I could downplay it. I know she’s trying to for our sake but it’s not working so well. Mack could have died. I could have really lost him. The thought cuts me so deep that all of the air leaves my lungs for a moment. I gasp in panic as a flashback of blood soaking through Mack’s clothes hits me. I shake my head to rid myself of the memory. Mack squeezes my hand, bringing me back to reality.

“Everything’s okay, darling. I’m here. I’m fine.” He reassures me with his eyes. His voice comforts me as it usually does and I settle. I still don’t want to think about everything that happened. Or the why. From the things the crazy man was spouting he sounded like he wanted Mack dead. At least I knew he was in custody in another hospital.

“How long you plan on milking this?” Star says from the other side of the bed. “You’re lucky you didn’t die on me.” She leans over and kisses him on his cheek. She rests her forehead on his for a moment. The two of them are close. Their bond is so strong. I think it has to do with the whole twin thing.

That brings a tiny smile to Mack’s face. Star walks over and gives me a hug and a kiss before she sits down. Maisie sits down next to her. I’m sure Mack’s mom and dad will be back any moment now. Family has been in and out all day. I was enjoying our time alone but it is selfish for me to think that way. Even though the only thing I want to do at this moment is be alone with Mack, I know how worried everyone was when they’d received the call.

“When am I checking out? Dally and I have plans.” My mouth falls open. He acts like this is a hotel or something. The hospital room is nice enough to be one. It’s one of the perks of being a Castile, I guess. Star snorts and Maisie’s face pinkens. I’m sure her face is a reflection of mine because I think they both know what plans he’s talking about.

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