Page 10 of My Only One

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“I’m sorry. I’m fine. I swear. As I was calling you”—I hold back my laughter—“I realized I was calling you to ask your advice on having sex with a man.”

“I’ve seen porn,” she defends herself. That only makes me laugh harder. “Why is that so funny?” She sounds generally confused. God, I love her.

Maisie has the same problem as Mack but with the opposite sex. Men will fight to get her attention. It is always a losing battle. She never notices them or the fact that she is so pretty. It only makes her more attractive. The only thing that can keep her attention is Star. Those two were made for one another. Their relationship gives me hope for my own happily ever after. If I can share half of the happiness and love that they have for one another it would be more than enough.

“Any guy in particular you’re asking about?” I knew when I dialed her number that I would have to answer this question.

“I think we all know who so let’s not play coy.”

She’s the one laughing this time.

“I’m going to have sex with Mack and this weirdness between us will be over,” I inform her. It’s simple really. Okay, it sounds simple but my insides don’t think it is going to be so easy. My body is having way too many reactions to the idea of sex with Mack.

“Just let him lead, Dally. I promise with the right person it just comes naturally.”

“You say that because you’re in love. Star is your forever so of course it is natural when you two get it on,” I remind her. Mack couldn’t be my forever. If he felt that way about me he would’ve made a move a long time ago. In fact, he was a little prickly with me the first few times I met him.

This is just a reaction to being close to each other all the time now. That’s it. I try and reinforce the thoughts into my mind. Believing is half the battle. People often use sex as an outlet and maybe that is what we need. I know I’m not getting it on with anyone else and the thought of him doing that with someone makes me sick so I push that thought away.

“Yep! Love,” she agrees before hanging up on me like Mack had. What is wrong with these people?

Chapter 8


I haven’t felt this nervous since…well, I can’t remember when, but there’s a rock lodged in my gut. I slap the car key against my thigh as I wait for Dally to exit the building. Talking to Star about sex was a little weird since she’s my sister. She didn’t get into anything explicit. Neither of us were equipped for that kind of talk, but she did say for me to pay attention to Dally’s body language—that Dally’s response would be my guide.

Just thinking about guiding her worked me up. Heated and aroused, I took to the bathroom after my sister left. I needed to shower anyway, but once under the water with my dick slick with soap, I couldn’t help thinking about Dally in my bed. Her hair spread over the sheets, her skin dark with arousal, her back arching high with her tits bouncing like a pleasure offering to a lecherous god.

I’d be a benevolent ruler and accept her gift. I’d lavish her breasts with attention. I’d suckle on her throat, leaving a dark red mark to warn anyone else that she belongs solely to me. I’d hold her hair back as she took my cock into her hot mouth. I’d lick her from clit to asshole and then tongue her until her toes curled and her voice was hoarse from screaming my name.

Then I’d part her legs, spear her pussy with my thick cock, bloody the tip of it with her virgin blood, and drive in so deep I could feel her womb. My hips started to jerk. Visions of her writhing on my bed swam through my head as I took my cock and roughly slid my palm up and down the shaft until my cum and the soap mixed together on the shower floor. My masturbation left me feeling vaguely unsettled, as if my body knew there was something better to be had and refused to settle. I finished getting ready and now with the house cleaned, a chicken in the oven, and freshly washed sheets on my bed, I’m ready. My dick definitely is. If Dally says she was kidding, I may ask her to run me over with a car.

The thing is I know there’s a barrier between us and it’s one I created. I never meant to create it, but back in college, when Star and Maisie were getting together, people kept throwing Dally and me at each other, which I hated. Not because I hated Dally. Nah, I wanted her bad. It was because I didn’t want her to feel like she had to be with me. I gave her space so she could come to me, but she never did. Sometimes it’d feel like she was interested, but it would pass like a summer rain shower, leaving me damp and confused about the weather. Was it hot? Was it cold? The more time that passed, that space became a wall. Dally grew more and more awkward around me, running away when I was near, making excuses to avoid me.

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