Page 38 of Deuces Wild

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It’s all a blur after that. The next thing I knew I was in handcuffs riding in the back of their police car. They seemed awfully pleased with themselves. Especially the tall one that was asking all the questions at the party. I keep my mouth zipped shut as they read me my rights. I could see Aly following us in Carter’s car and I knew she would get in touch with someone.

I place my hand on my knee to stop it from bouncing, grateful that they cuffed my hands in front of me instead of behind my back. I’ve never been in trouble before and my nerves are showing. I sit on the long bench against the wall in the processing room as they shuffle paperwork around. From what they’ve told me, once I’m done here they will book me and take my mug shot. From there they’ll lead me to a holding cell where I’ll stay until I can post bail. This situation is overwhelming and my entire body shakes with nerves. I asked to make my phone call but I don’t know Carter’s number by heart and these two officers aren’t going out of their way to help me.

A female officer comes into the room and sits next to me. “You doing okay?”

I almost break down in tears but I hold it in. “I need my phone to look up a number to make my call,” I say, hoping that she’ll show me some compassion. She gets up, leaves the room and returns a few minutes later with my phone. She loosens my cuffs a bit so I can maneuver. My hands shake, hating the feel of the cold metal on my skin. She hands me my phone. I take it from her and hit the contact for the only person I know that will come running to my side.

“Mallory.” He answers on the first ring.

“Carter.” I get choked up before I can finish saying his name. “I’m scared,” I whisper. More than scared. What if I have to see Ricky? I don’t want to see him or my mother.

“Don’t cry. I’m almost there. Everything is going to be fine. I’ll never let anything happen to you.” I wipe the tears from my eyes. A sense of relief fills me knowing that he’s on his way and that I finally have someone on my side. I know he’ll fix this. Carter won’t let anyone take me from him. His possessiveness should scare me but all I feel is comfort in it. I know he’ll stop at nothing to get to me. “Anyone touch you?” he asks. The possessiveness is thick in his voice now. I’m not sure what to say because I don’t want him coming in here and getting himself thrown in a cell next to mine.

“They just put cuffs on me,” I say. I hear him suck in a breath. “Hold tight. I’m coming for you,” he reassures me. I think he hangs up but a beat later he speaks again. “I love you.” This time his voice is soft and I know he’s trying to soothe me. It makes my eyes water more at the tender side of Carter that is for only me. “Be my strong, smart-mouthed girl. I’ll be there in a second.”

“I love you too.” Even though I’m sitting in a police station, I smile at his words because not a single person on this earth has ever uttered them to me before. They give me strength. While I wish the circumstances were different, they are still nice to hear. I press the button to end the call and hand the phone back to the female officer. She gives me a soft smile before getting up and leaving me alone in the room.

I close my eyes, leaning my head back and wondering what is going to happen next. I know Carter will handle it but what will that entail? I can still see the smug looks on the cops’ faces when they picked me up. Yay for them. They got me. A girl who was trying to run from a shitty situation. From a man who deserved more than me taking his wallet. If anyone should be in custody it should be him. I know these types of people. All they see is the poor girl who doesn’t belong in their community. They don’t bother to look any further than the surface. I’ve dealt with people judging me my entire life because of my mother’s ways so this is no different.

I see the tall cop approaching me and brace myself for whatever it is that he’s going to say. “I hope you like your new accommodations. Don’t worry, I’m sure your cell will be an upgrade from the trailer you came from.”

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