Page 2 of Deuces Wild

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“No. Nothing’s happening here. I was just putting my shit away. Have fun at the party.”

“Is there an animal in your backseat?” the girlfriend asks. “I think I see something moving.”

“What’s going on?” asks Ben.

“Your car broke down?” Josh comes rambling up.

Pretty soon half the team is huddled around.

“There’s nothing to see here. Literally.” I wave them off but no one moves.

“Are you sure? I mean, if you’re afraid of an animal, there’s no shame in asking for help,” the girl chirps.

No wonder I never learned this girl’s name. She’s irritating. I send a look in Fast’s direction but he’s too busy gazing adoringly at her to notice that I want the two of them gone. Jesus fucking Christ. I’m going to have to drive away with that…person in the back of my car. Why can’t people leave me alone? Why is that too much to ask? You’d think I wanted to get rid of a dead body based on the number of people up in my business.

I look over my shoulder and based on the shapes in the backseat, it appears as if my unwanted passenger has hidden herself under my letter jacket and gym bag. With a huge sigh, I wrench open the door, push the driver’s seat back and climb in. “See, nothing’s wrong with my vehicle. Thanks for your interest. Now, goodnight.”

I slam the car door shut, punch the starter button and peal out of the parking lot, spitting loose gravel behind me. “Don’t sit up or I’ll kick you out on the most deserted stretch of road I can find.”

“Did some animal die in your asshole or are you always this cranky?” I hear from underneath my jacket.

I curl my fingers around the steering wheel and tell myself that murder is, unfortunately, still illegal in all fifty states.

Chapter 2


My heart pounds in my chest as I try and keep my breathing even. I’ve learned if you appear weak that’s when an animal strikes. I had no idea when I slipped into this fancy-ass sports car that it would be owned by a super extra asshole. I should have known better. My bad. I’m used to dealing with men like him. Assholes, that is. I obviously attract them from all walks of life. I think it’s a habit that I inherited from my mother. If that’s the only bad one that I got from her I’ll consider myself lucky. The last thing that I would ever want to be is like her. It’s why I’m currently sleeping in a car. My desperation has reached a whole new level.

Also, the fact that the car was unlocked should have been a tell. It shows me that he’s so sure of himself that he didn’t even fear leaving it that way. He assumed no one would mess with it. Probably because everyone around here knows what a giant dick he is. I should have kept moving but my feet were killing me. I was only going to sleep for a few hours. I figured I’d have a little nap and be gone before the owner got back. The back of the car sounded like a good idea at the time so I slipped in. The small space hid me well in the busy parking lot. It also helped that the entire area was dimly lit. I knew if there was a problem I could easily scream and help would be near. Everything looked fancy around here so I’m sure it’s somewhat of a safe area. It’s why I ventured across the tracks to this part of town to begin with. I didn’t really care where I slept as long as it was safe. Eventually I’ll get back on my feet and be able to afford to sleep somewhere with a bed. Right now I don’t have that luxury but I have to hope that the day will come when I do.

I was out of money with nowhere to go. I thought finding a nice area of town would be a good start. That’s as far as my plan went. Now it looks like I might be in more trouble with this guy, who is clearly a straight-up dick, than this uncomfortable car nap was worth. I don’t have time for this guy who thinks he’s better than me. He doesn’t need to say it. I can feel his judgment. His lack of care about anyone but himself and his car is clear.

It shouldn’t hurt my feelings but it does. I’m used to people treating me poorly by now. It’s essentially another person tossing me out. If it isn’t my mother wanting me out for the night because she is having a date come over, then it’s a hotel manager because I didn’t have the money to pay for another night—unless I wanted to pay in another kind of way. I always get kicked to the curb one way or another. I really hope this guy isn’t a big enough dick to actually leave me stranded out in the middle of nowhere. My phobia of the dark is one that could have me shut completely down and that is not something I can do in the middle of nowhere. I push those thoughts to the side. There is no way I’ll let him toss me out of this car in the middle of nowhere.

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