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“That’s hard to believe,” I said. “Between the two of them, they could handle anything.”

She nodded. “That’s right. Between to the two of them, they can. But look who’s standing between them?” Her eyes pierced mine. Not in an accusatory way, but an enlightened one. “I think part of them is just as lost as you are, honey.” She rubbed my hand between hers. The momentary warmth was comforting.

She tugged my seatbelt, making sure it was tight, and threw the car into gear.

“Now, on to the most important question of the day,” she said in a happy tone. “Short stack or full stack?”

I smiled. “It feels like a full stack kind of day.”

“That’s my girl!”

She slowly pulled back onto the quiet road. As if my brain couldn’t crank out anymore thoughts, Bea had thrown a wrench in. She was on my side, yet arguing the case for the guys. A mess. Everything was a mess.

Bea stopped at the only yield sign in a five mile radius and looked left and right. There wasn’t even house out here. Just trees, snow, and a small intersection.

The car jolted forward violently and a loud crash sounded. Bea lunged forward, her whole body hitting the steering wheel. A crack, like a pencil being broken in half, hummed through the car. Bea screamed in pain.

My seatbelt cut my jarring off short, whipping me back in my seat, my knee banging against the glove compartment.

Bright headlights shone in the rearview mirror. We’d been hit from behind.

“Bea, are you okay?” I asked. She dropped her hands from the steering wheel, grabbed her wrist, and winced.

She hissed, and before she could answer, the sound of squealing tires rang out and then—


We were hit again.

Bea yelled as we both lunged forward again. Not only were we hit from behind, we were hit repeatedly…on purpose.

The car swayed just a moment, finally settling after the recent hit. I reached over and threw the car into park, then rubbed Bea’s shoulder. She was still clamping her wrist, only now her knuckles were starting to swell from where her fingers hit the steering wheel from that second hit.

“I-I’m okay…” she said around a bite of pain.

So much anger flared and took over every single cell I had. Looking at Bea, crying in pain, made my fight instinct kick into high gear.

“Son of a bitch,” I muttered. It was Brock. It had to be. And he just hurt a woman I cared about.

I looked behind us and couldn’t see the car that hit us. Their high beams were on, and I could barely look back without being blinded. But I heard screeching tires and reversing wheels.

No way would I let him near her. I threw off my seatbelt and grabbed my cellphone, quickly dialing 911.

Signal lost.

“Shit!” I tried again.

Signal lost.

The wheels were continuing to reverse, getting further from us. He was going to hit us harder this time.

“Come on, Bea,” I said, unclicking her seatbelt and tugging her toward me. I opened my passenger side door, hugged her hard, and scooted her across the seat and out my side. She moved as best she could, and finally she was out of the car and safe on the shoulder of the road. I clicked on my video camera and held my cell phone out to catch the asshole. I refused to sit there while he continued to ram us.

The car was far away, and instead of coming our way, it peeled out fast, kicking up slush, barreling in the other direction, the fall of snow coating it to where all I could see was a flash of white. There was no license plate and barely a shadow of a person behind the wheel.

All I had was a glimpse of a white car speeding away in the snow. Not helpful.

I ran back to Bea’s side. Helping her into the passenger side, I buckled her in. The poor thing was holding her wrist and trying so hard not to wince in pain. I got in the driver’s side and tried to call 911 again.
