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“Want you inside me first, West. Please,” he croaked. “Want you with me.”

My throat tightened at his words. I dropped another kiss on his sexy ass cheek before straightening back up again and lowering my pants and underwear. I reached into my pants pocket for my wallet and removed a condom and packet of lube.

Trying to get the damned things open was an exercise in futility. My hands were shaking, and all the blood was pounding in my head and cock.

Nico had begun subtly pushing his ass back into me in invitation. With every pulse toward me, his hole opened slightly, all shiny and flushed from my bites.

“Not helping,” I groaned under my breath. He snickered and pressed back again. I smacked one of his ass cheeks. “Quit that.”

I eventually got the condom on and the lube open, spreading it on myself before reaching for Nico’s sexy-as-shit body. We both made noises of appreciation when my cock finally pressed into him.

“God, Nico.” I sighed. It was tight as fuck and perfect. “Fuck. Oh god.”

His hand flew back to grab for me, catching me on the hip and digging nails into my skin.

“West, wait, wait.”

I froze, biting my lip and smoothing a palm up and down his spine while he adjusted. He blew out a breath and squeezed my hip more gently with his hand to let me know it was okay to move.

My hips began pressing in and pulling out as gently as I could until the clench of his hot channel was too much for me to hold back any longer. I leaned over his back and reached for both his hands, threading our fingers together and stretching them up high on the table above Nico’s head.

My hips jacked into him over and over, the sounds of skin slapping and the table legs moving slightly across the floor echoed in the room. My lips came down on the tender spot behind his ear, and I pressed kisses there before murmuring in his ear how hot he was, how tight his ass felt on my cock, how absolutely stunning he looked spread out like a meal on my goddamned table.

The sex-crazed lunatic fucking Nico on my kitchen table was a stranger to me. It was a side of me that had lain dormant and unknown somewhere in the far reaches of myself, but now that Nico had awakened it, my hunger was insatiable.

I thrust into Nico’s body over and over until we were both crying for release and clutching at each other’s hands. It was feral and aggressive, sweaty and hot. Sex with Nico was unlike anything from even my wildest fantasies.

“Want you to come, Nico,” I ground out between tight teeth.

“Fuck, fuck,” he panted. He tried pulling his hands out of mine so he could grab for his own cock, but I didn’t want to let him go.

I wanted him to come without touching himself.

After transferring both his wrists into one of my hands, I dropped the other hand to where my cock entered him. I slowed our rhythm down just long enough to press my thumb down on the tender skin above his hole as I slid in and out of him.

Nico made a choking sound, and then I felt it—the telltale squeeze of his body around mine that indicated his orgasm cresting.

“That’s it, baby, that’s it.” I breathed. “Let go.”

He gasped my name and threw his head back, shuddering through his release until he was spent and trembling. I wrapped my arms around him and took just a few more thrusts until my own release hit, rolling over me in delicious waves that almost forced a laugh out of me, I was so happy.

We lay there on the kitchen table—Nico buck naked and sprawled out like a sex buffet and me with all my clothes still on, lying across his back coated in sweat and panting like a dog in summer.

After a few minutes of calming down, I began to pull away from him, reaching for the condom to dispose of it before yanking my clothes back up. Nico remained fucked out on the table, and I was tempted to just stand there, taking in the view for as long as he was willing to remain like that.

Instead, I ran a hand down his damp back and leaned in to kiss the side of his face. “Come take a shower with me, okay?”

He peeled himself off the table, and I noticed the wet spots on the floor at his feet from where he’d come. Was it wrong of me to be proud of the evidence of his orgasm?

I reached for his hand and held it until we got into the bathroom. Before I had a chance to strip my clothes off, Nico reached out to do it for me, sneaking shy peeks here and there of my face as if we hadn’t just been as intimate as two people could be.
