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“Don’t. You don’t need to be driving right now. Sean! Wyatt! Let’s go now!” Roe called out to the boys. “Give me five minutes, and I’ll be right there.”

“No, I gotta go. I can’t…” But he wanted Roe with him. Holden needed him. He didn’t have to do this alone. He didn’t have to do anything alone anymore, because Roe would always be there if Holden let him. “Thank you.”

“I know. I’m coming.”

It felt like time went both slow and fast after that—Larry saying he needed to get information from him, Holden telling him what he knew, and then Roe was there, his truck speeding into the lot.

“Go on now,” Larry said. “I’ll come talk to you and Marilee at the hospital.”

Sean jumped out of the truck, running to him and throwing his arms around him. “Mom…is she okay? Did Dad…?”

“Shh. It’s okay. She’s fine. Your mama is tough. Kicked his ass before I even got the chance.”

Sean’s eyes filled with tears, and Holden couldn’t imagine what he was going through—worried about his mom, knowing it was his dad who hurt her.

“It’ll be okay. I promise.”

Holden could see the worry in Roe’s eyes as he stood waiting by the truck. Roe put a hand on his shoulder, tugged him close and kissed his temple, before giving his attention to Sean. “She’s gonna be okay. They just like to check everyone out, but your mama is strong and she’s gonna be just fine.”

Sean nodded.

It felt like it took forever to get to Everett. Roe didn’t ask questions, and Holden could hear Wyatt in the back, soothing Sean, telling him she’d be fine and how sorry he was that she got hurt. Roe found a parking spot right outside of the emergency department. It was a small hospital; Holden figured the bigger one was in Asheville.

The four of them rushed out of the truck and into the ER.

“I’m Holden Barnett. My sister, Marilee Young, was brought in.”

“Yes, sir. They’re expecting you. I can take you and her son back.”

He looked at Roe, who had his hand on Wyatt’s shoulder and gave him a simple nod.

Holden and Sean followed the employee into a room in the back, where Marilee sat on the bed, shaking, with a blanket wrapped around her.

“Mama?” Sean said, his voice breaking.

“Hey…shh. I’m okay. Come here, baby.”

Sean walked over, and they hugged and held each other, crying. Holden gave them the moment, knowing it belonged to the two of them.

He was caught between worry for Marilee and hate for Adam. What if Adam had hurt her? If he’d lost her?

“Come here.” Marilee opened her arms to him, and Holden went, the three of them hanging on to each other for dear life. “I’m so sorry, Sean.”

Yeah, Holden was too. Sean deserved better, but then, he and Marilee had as children too. Nothing could change the past. What mattered was how they moved forward from there.

“I’m just glad you’re okay.” Sean swiped at his eyes. “He made his choices, ya know?” He sounded so much older than his thirteen years.

“It’s okay to be angry with him…and with me. And it’s also okay for you to love him. I don’t ever want you to feel guilty about that,” Marilee told him.

Sean nodded, but the conflicting emotions must have been confusing for him.

They were in the back about an hour or so. Marilee had, in fact, had a panic attack, and they’d also wanted to make sure she hadn’t broken her hand when she hit Adam. He felt bad that Roe and Wyatt were in the waiting room that whole time, but knew Roe well enough to know he wouldn’t leave. He would be there for them no matter how long it took.

What Holden didn’t expect was a waiting room full of Covingtons when they came out. Everyone was there—Roe’s parents, his siblings, their kids, and Lindsey.

“What are they all doing here?” Sean asked softly as they stood in the entryway, looking in.

Roe glanced up, and their eyes snagged on each other. There was so much damn emotion there, it stole Holden’s breath. “They’re here for us, kiddo.”


“Because they care about us,” Holden answered.

Vicki noticed them then. As soon as she did, she rushed over, the whole brood following behind. They were all fussing over Marilee and Sean. He could see how overwhelmed his sister and nephew were, but how happy too…how loved they felt.

Holden kept back slightly, a little raw.

As he watched Roe talking to Marilee, Wyatt stepped up beside him.

“I’m real sorry if I hurt your feelings yesterday. I just…”

“You have nothing to apologize for,” Holden told him. “You love your parents, and you wanted them together. That’s completely understandable. I’m not angry, and you didn’t hurt me, but I appreciate that you care enough to talk to me about it.”

Wyatt nodded, looked down. “I’m…I’m glad my dad has you. I can see it—how much he loves you. I just want him to be happy, and he is.”

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