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“I still think it’s weird,” Holden replied.

Deacon looked at him. “Mango Spice. Making friends with the locals already, I see.”

Roe wasn’t at all surprised that Deacon remembered what ice cream flavor he’d given Holden. He was known for that.

“I took pity on him,” Roe joked.

“The other way around,” Holden spoke in a loud whisper that made it obvious he wanted Roe to hear.

“Wha’cha got for us today?”

Deacon had brought six flavors with him. Roe chose Apple Pie for Holden, while Holden picked Honey-cinnamagic for Roe, which had a honey-and-cinnamon base. Roe shouldn’t have gone so easy on him, but he also knew that if Deke created it, the ice cream would be good.

They ordered for everyone else too, both reaching for their wallets at the same time. “I got it,” they said simultaneously, and chuckled.

“My treat. I insist,” Holden said, and Roe stuffed his wallet back into his pocket. They paid and then were on their way back to the others. “He seems nice.”

“Deke is good people. Lost his wife a coupla years back. It’s been real hard on him.”

Wyatt and Sean pounced on them the second they got back. They didn’t have much time to chat afterward, as the movie started about ten minutes later. It was Gremlins, an oldie but a goodie. The kids laughed at the special effects one minute but were entranced the next.

Roe kept…well, damned if he didn’t keep finding his attention drawn back to Holden. He has a boyfriend. I just need to get laid. Reminding himself did nothing to ease the desire. He wanted Holden too much for his own good.

They ended up with a goat lying by Marilee for most of the movie. She petted him and loved on him a lot. Roe could see how much she enjoyed the animal and wondered why she was never out visiting with his.

The movie ended all too soon.

“We’re parked at the house,” Roe said.

“Spoiled,” Holden teased.

They all packed up their stuff, said their goodbyes, and then Holden, Sean, and Marilee left.

“Mema texted. She said she’d give me twenty bucks to help with the goats. Can I stay here tonight?” Wyatt begged.

“It’s fine with me, though it’d be nice if you did the work for free.”

Wyatt rolled his eyes. “Dad…I’m learning to be a businessman.”

The little smart-ass.

Lindsey laughed, and when Wyatt ran off to go find his grandparents, she said, “God, he reminds me of you when you were young.”

Roe saw a lot of himself in his son as well. It made him proud every day. Still, he said, “My mom sure as shit wouldn’t have paid me to help. They would have told me to get my ass to work.”

“That’s what being grandparents is all about,” Lindsey said as they walked to the truck. He was dropping her off at home on his way back to his place. When they were driving, she added, “You and Holden get along well.”

“We do. I like him.” They were quiet a moment, and Roe found himself saying, “He’s got a boyfriend—guy named Vince.”

“He’s gay?”


“Oh, wow. There goes my Hallmark movie—oh, hey, but you can have yours!” she teased.

He snickered softly. “Not gonna lie. I’m attracted to him.”

“How could you not be?”

“Agreed, but…it’s just nice to have a friend. Someone who gets certain things. Don’t know him well enough to want more. Couldn’t have it even if I did—like I said, boyfriend. Plus, he’s leaving.”

The silence stretched on so long, discomfort slid down Roe’s spine. He glanced Lindsey’s way just as she said, “Jesus, you really like this guy, don’t you?”

“I just said I don’t know him well enough to—”

“But you’d like to get to know him more. You’re interested. You don’t have to really know someone to be interested in them.”

That was true, and honestly, again, Roe did feel like he knew Holden in many ways. “Wouldn’t matter if I was interested. Nothing would come of it. I’ve accepted the fact that a serious, long-term relationship probably isn’t in the cards for me. I got you and Wyatt, my family. That’s enough for me.” But was it really? A part of Roe wanted more—would likely always want more. “Would’ve been nice if there wasn’t a boyfriend, though. At least I could have gotten a fuck out of it.”

Lindsey laughed so hard, she snorted, then groaned, “God, it’s been too long since I’ve had sex. I miss sex. Why do all the men in Harmony suck?”

He pulled up in front of Lindsey’s house, reached over, and squeezed her thigh. “You’ll find someone, sweetheart. I know you will.”

Roe was surprised when Lindsey’s face fell, her stare getting distant, before she looked away. “I don’t know. We’ll see about that.” She opened the truck door and climbed out. “Good night, Monroe Covington.”

“Night, Linds.” He watched her until she unlocked the door, went inside, and closed it behind herself, and then Roe drove away, feeling more alone than he had in a long time.

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