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He watched for a moment as the family laughed, played around, and tossed a ball for the dog, who continued to run after it and bring it back. He wished Sean and Marilee had that.

“Can we talk about good things for a while?” his sister asked, pulling Holden’s attention from the man.


“I’m so proud of you, Holdy. You didn’t let our past hold you back. You’ve made something of yourself. You followed your dream.”

“I didn’t have a kid to take care of. It was a little easier for me.”

“You shouldn’t do that—always try to protect my feelings. I made choices, and I have to live with them.” When he didn’t respond, she asked, “Do you have someone? A boyfriend or anything?”

“Um, yeah. His name is Vince. It’s probably different than what you’re thinking when it comes to a relationship, though.” Marilee had always been tenderhearted, always looking for love and affection, and that had never been Holden. He didn’t trust that shit. He had too much of his old man in him.

“How long have you been together?”

“A little over a year. Known him for longer.” They didn’t count their original hookups as part of their relationship as they hadn’t been exclusive at that time.

“Wow. Sounds serious. Do you live together? Does he mind that you’re here?”

“No.” This was what he meant. “We’re not really like that. He’s probably the best friend I have, but we both like our own space, to have our own lives.”

“You both like that, or just you?” she accused.

“No, it’s both of us. I’m not forcing Vince into a relationship he doesn’t want. Jesus, Mari.”

“You’re not in love with him? Even after a year?” Her forehead wrinkled as if she couldn’t make sense of it.

“I love him, of course. He’s my friend, my boyfriend, and we’re exclusive, but…are we in love? I don’t know that I would say we are. We’ve always been honest with each other and said that if either of us isn’t getting what we need out of the relationship, we’ll discuss it.” That was one reason Holden knew Vince didn’t expect more. Holden had no doubt Vince would tell him.

“Wow…I…don’t know what to say.”

“Your judginess is showing,” he teased, and she smacked his arm. They both laughed, and Christ, did it feel good to laugh with his sister, the way they used to…

The family caught Holden’s eye again. The boy and his dad were wrestling playfully, the dog jumping all over them, and the woman, who Holden assumed was his wife, was laughing at their antics.

Holden wanted to be there for his sister, for Sean, but that family life—the spouse-and-kids thing—wasn’t him.

“I need to start dinner,” Marilee said. “I’m making spaghetti. I meant to get it ready before you got here.”

“I’ll help,” Holden told her. “We can make it together.”

They stood, headed into the cabin, and did just that.



It was close to ten when Lindsey and Wyatt headed out. He had plans with his friends the next day and wanted to wait until Roe had a day off to stay with his dad. There was really no point in staying if Roe would just leave him in the morning or take him to Lindsey’s on his way to work.

He walked them out to the car the way he always did and said his goodbyes. When their taillights disappeared, he called Zeus, who was running around. Roe looked up to see him jumping all over Marilee’s brother, who stood on the porch. He’d noticed them earlier, but hadn’t wanted to interrupt to introduce himself. Figuring now was as good a time as any, he walked toward the other man, who began to do the same. They met by the barn, the motion lights coming on as they did so.

“He’s not known for his guard-dog skills,” Roe teased.

“Gotta admit I’m thankful he licked my face off rather than bite it,” the man replied, and yeah, a nice face it was. He was similar in height to Roe, who was six feet. The black stubble along his jaw was shorter than Roe’s—and missing the very light dusting of gray hairs Roe had. His jaw was softer, his body broad, and his hair, in a short crew cut, was similar in color to his stubble, a shade or so lighter than chocolate.

The man was too much Roe’s type for his liking.

“Monroe Covington.” He held his hand out. It was immediately held and shaken in a strong grip.

“Holden Barnett. Good to meet you.” He had a deep, smooth-as-honey voice.

“Same to you.”

“Listen…I wanted to thank you. Marilee said you’ve been real good to her and Sean. I appreciate it more than I can say. I’m sure you probably think I’m some deadbeat, not being there for my own family, but I’m here now and—”

“I don’t think that,” Roe said. It was important to him that Holden knew that. He would feel the same if he were in the other man’s shoes. “Marilee explained some of the situation. Family’s difficult. I get it. I respect the hell out of you for being here now.”

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