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“Handsome?” Nico squished his nose. “Hmm.”

Luke playfully kicked Nico’s foot, and Nico threw his head back in a laugh. “All right, all right. He was pretty damn handsome.”


Nico was buzzed, and not just from the wine.

Luke standing up for him at dinner—telling him he liked his jacket—threaded warmly through his veins. Gave him this weird, hopeful feeling. Like maybe . . . maybe Luke wouldn’t be like any of the past guys he’d dated.

He wanted to take tonight as proof they could be something, but doubt nagged in his mind.

He heard the echo of Luke’s laughter . . . remembered that first scathing look.

Nico was too scared about being wrong. His trust had been broken one too many times. His heart couldn’t take it.

Especially not with Luke. Especially not with the way Nico was falling for him.

Especially not since Luke still used Nico as a fake boyfriend to make his ex jealous.

But . . . damn it. He loved this flirting. Loved their chemistry in bed together. Loved living with him . . .

Nico needed to tread with caution.

And maybe he needed to expose the true Nico and see how long Luke hung around then.

Nico ran his finger around the lip of his wine glass. “Do you have plans next Friday night?”

Luke’s bewildered expression turned Nico’s stomach. “Are you calling in your favor?”

“No,” Nico said, his hand trembling as he sipped his wine. “Isaiah and his boyfriend, Darren, are performing at a charity event at Darren’s childhood house. It’s to raise money for children’s cancer research.”

“That’s admirable.”

“Yeah, and Isaiah is an amazing pianist. Darren agreed to play if Isaiah would. He plays saxophone and banjo.”

“Banjo?” Luke snorted. “Really?”

“Evidently he had dreams of being a Mummer before someone reminded him he had to run the company one day. Anyway, I got comped two tickets. Isaiah and Darren know we’re not a couple. So we could go as friends.”

“Friends.” Luke nodded slowly.

Nico pinched the stem of his glass, ignoring how his stomach fluttered seeing Luke’s disappointment with the label.

Nico needed to be sure. Really, really sure. The sureist.

“It could be good fun? It’s a black-tie event, so we get to dress up.”

Luke eyed Nico’s sports jacket, and his eyes hit Nico’s warmly. “Dress up?”

“Is that a yes?”

Nico: Here. Holy Shit Chateau Gage is HUGE!

Isaiah: Ha! I'll have Darren come find you.

Nico couldn’t stop eying the way the sleek black tux hugged Luke perfectly. “You look great,” Nico murmured absently.

They were moving up a grand path toward a lit mansion, pockets of finely dressed elite ahead of them.

Luke adjusted his coat, flashing him a grin. “Good thing Rocco ‘knew a guy’ who could hook us up at the last minute.”

Nico snorted. “What can I say? We take care of our own.”

Luke’s gaze swept over Nico and his smile radiated. “I didn’t think you could look any hotter than you did last weekend, but I was wrong. Aaaand, I probably shouldn’t have said that. There won’t be enough room in the mansion for your big head.”

Nico scoffed, but his stomach twisted.

Luke gestured to the ground. “They even have a red carpet for you to walk.”

“Actually, dahling, I think it was put out for you.” Nico tensed, waiting for Luke’s response—

Luke grabbed Nico’s hand and tugged him close. He spoke low in his ear, almost tutting. “You don’t take compliments well.”

Nico shivered, and Luke’s warm hand pumped his twice before letting go.

Darren’s parents greeted them at the door. Nico had met them at one of Darren’s soccer games. When he first met Darren, Isaiah had been hopeless when it came to soccer. Much like Nico was with baseball. He’d been Isaiah’s ‘beard’, chatting with the Gages about the game.

When Mrs. Gage saw them, her face lit up. “Oh, my!” She fanned her face, and Nico remembered how much he’d loved her company.

“You look amazing, Mrs. Gage.”

“I know I told you to call me Peg,” she said, hugging him.

“And I know I told you that would never happen.” He inched to his right, bringing Luke forward.

Mrs. Gage cut across him, eagerly. “You must be Nico’s boyfriend.” She gave him a hug.

To his credit, Luke didn’t let her pronouncement faze him, and he returned the embrace.

He laughed nervously, and they shuffled along to allow the hosts to meet their other guests.

Inside, Luke reached for Nico’s hand again. Perhaps Luke thought they were back to faking for the night?

Nico could’ve told him otherwise.


But, fuck, it felt too nice.

He searched for Isaiah as he and Luke took in the grandeur of the Gages’ home.


He turned just in time for Isaiah’s bear hug.

“I missed you,” Isaiah said when he let go. His gaze darted to their still-joined hands before he looked up, a dozen questions sparking his eyes. “Nice to finally meet you.”

“Likewise. Nico texts you so often, I feel like you live with us.”
