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Reese had forgotten how fun it was to be around Trent’s family. They were so naturally loving and playful. Trent draped one arm over Sierra’s shoulder, the other around Ethan’s, showing the protective side of himself that she’d always loved.

Everything he did made her fall deeper in love with him.

“Reese!” The second Trent spotted her, he was out on the sidewalk with her, his arms around her and his mouth lowering to hers for a kiss. “You should have told us you were here.”

Her head was spinning from his kiss just enough that it took her a few seconds to stop staring into his eyes like a lovesick fool and say, “I didn’t want to distract anyone from the work you’re all doing.”

His eyes immediately smoldered with heat. “I’m always up for being distracted.”

But before either of them could further distract each other, Sierra was calling out Reese’s name, then saying, “I’m so glad you’re here. Shelley and I needed another hand with the curtains. You can spare fifteen minutes, right?”

Moments later, she was working just as hard as everyone else. The Rockwells had always made her feel like family. She had missed being a part of their family terribly after she and Trent had split up. But thankfully, even though it was ten years later, being with all of them again felt just as right as it always had.

* * *

AFTER WORKING WITH his family at Shelley’s, Trent went directly to Chandler’s office. He was prepared for his grandfather to unleash his fury at Trent for not dropping everything and rushing back from Boston the day before. But as he stood across the desk from his grandfather, it wasn’t disappointment or anger he saw in Chandler’s dark eyes. Instead, there was an emotion coursing through the old man that was entirely unfamiliar.

“Didi, would you mind giving us a moment alone?” Chandler asked his private nurse.

“Of course.” She smiled at Trent as she walked out of the office, then closed the door behind her.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t return to the island when you had Darla call yesterday afternoon,” Trent said. “I’m making changes in my life, and part of those changes is setting my priorities in a way that will ensure that my relationship with Reese comes first.”

“I’ve always believed that family should come first, Trent. Do you think you’re telling me something new or doing something unique?” Chandler’s tone was stern.

You have a strange way of showing it. “No, sir. But I am telling you something that is new to me.”

Chandler stared at Trent for a long moment before saying, “I’m glad to see you’re finally taking control the way a Rockwell should. I was sorely disappointed when your marriage ended, and now I am glad to see that my faith in you to fix the things you broke has not been misplaced.”

Trent barely managed a nod, too stunned by his grandfather’s praise—and his thoughts on his marriage to Reese—to speak.

Chandler opened his desk drawer and set an envelope between them on the desk. “I’ve made some arrangements, and I expect you’ll be able to handle sharing the news with the others.”

Trent removed the documents and quickly scanned them. He was so stunned by what he was reading that he had to sink down to the chair behind him to reread them more carefully.

“Grandfather, legal ownership of the resort is not supposed to change hands until after you’re… after you are no longer with us. But this assigns the deed to me and my siblings and our father effective immediately.” Trent looked at his grandfather, and his stomach sank. “Is your health getting worse?”

“No. I’m planning to hang on for a few more years, at the very least. I can’t let you young people run around unattended.” Chandler’s eyes softened as he continued, saying, “You have all proven to me that you can handle the responsibilities of running the resort. It should be yours.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Trent admitted, feeling his throat thicken as it had the other day.

“Just promise me you won’t make the same mistakes I did with my Caroline.”

Trent hadn’t heard his grandfather mention his grandmother since the summer she’d passed away, and even then Chandler had moved out of the house they’d shared and into the resort so fast—even before his private wing was constructed—and spoken of her so rarely, that it was almost as if he’d filed her away like a business deal.

“I’m sure she knew you loved her,” Trent said, feeling uncomfortable and yet thankful at the same time for his grandfather’s opening up to him. He wasn’t completely sure why Chandler had chosen to suddenly show this side of himself, but Trent suspected it had to do with his clearer view of his own mortality.

Or maybe he had finally grown tired of being so unhappy all the time—a man truly on an island.
