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Quinn heard voices in the hall and motioned for the others, alerting them just before Chandler appeared in the doorway in his wheelchair, with a tall, attractive blonde standing behind him.

Chandler’s face was stoic as his dark eyes moved over each of them. “Trent. Quinn. Derek. Ethan. Please, have a seat.” He gripped the arms of the wheelchair tightly as Didi brought him to the head of the large conference table.

Even from the confines of the wheelchair he sucked all the air from the room. Not to mention that he had the audacity not to introduce Didi. Chandler hadn’t changed in the months since Quinn had last been home. He wore the same brittle frown as he always had.

Trent smiled at Chandler’s nurse. “You must be Didi. Ethan speaks very highly of you. I’m Trent.”

“Trent, it’s a pleasure.” Her Greek heritage was evident in the inflection of her voice. Her eyes flitted to Derek, lingering for a moment before dropping back down to her charge.

Trent leaned down and hugged Chandler, who remained rigid, hands glued to the cold metal chair. “Grandfather, it’s nice to see you. You look well.” While Chandler always insisted on being formally addressed, their grandmother had been warm and affectionate and had loved being called Grandma Caroline. Quinn had never understood how the two had ended up together.

Chandler grumbled something indiscernible as Trent followed his command and sat in one of the leather seats across from where Derek and Quinn stood, waiting their turn to properly greet the man who had never seemed to welcome or want affection. Their parents had raised them to always respect their elders, so they showed their love to family whether they asked for it or not.

Quinn greeted Didi, then placed a hand on his grandfather’s forearm and gave it a gentle squeeze before leaning down for a brief embrace that was not returned.


Chandler only nodded in return.

Quinn sat next to Trent while Derek held on to Didi’s hand just a little too long as he shook it. “Didi, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Derek.”

As her cheeks flushed, Chandler gruffly told Derek to sit down, while Quinn, Trent, and Ethan all stifled smiles. Derek and Ethan said quick greetings to their grandfather, then took their seats, giving him the floor.

When they were all seated, Chandler said, “Didi, the papers,” in his gruff, deep voice.

“Yes, Mr. Rockwell.” She moved with grace as she handed each of them a thick document before returning silently to her place behind Chandler’s chair and professionally averting her gaze to the window.

Derek’s eyes trailed Didi around the table, and Quinn had to nudge his brother’s knee beneath the table to bring his attention back to the document before him.

Quinn quickly scanned the document, anger brewing hotter with every word he read. He could tell by the tightening of Trent’s jaw and his grip on the papers that his peacekeeping brother was doing all he could to remain calm.

“Grandfather.” Trent’s tone was harsher than usual but calmer than anything out of Quinn’s mouth would have been. “What exactly is your intention with this document?”

Chandler held his chin high, his dark gaze steady, unflappable. Clearly, his second heart attack hadn’t softened him one bit.

“The terms are clear,” Chandler said. “You and your brothers are to move back to the island and take over the resort. Rockwell Island will be your primary residence for at least ninety-five percent of the next calendar year. If you choose not to accept the terms of this agreement, I have a multinational business lined up to purchase the resort. They will overhaul the island, making it into a high-rise mecca, complete with their own staff.”

Derek smacked his palm on the table. “You can’t give us an ultimatum and expect us to upend our entire lives and our businesses in an instant and threaten to sell the property that’s been in the family for generations if we don’t do exactly as you say.” He rose and paced as he asked, “And what about Dad? What about Sierra?”

Chandler’s expression didn’t change; nor did he respond.

“Why now?” Quinn asked. “Why the four of us?”

“I’m eighty-four years old, and my health has not been as strong as it once was.” Chandler’s tone was even and emotionless. “You are my heirs, and the resort should be your responsibility.”

“With all due respect, Grandfather, our father is your heir. He’s the one who should inherit this business.” Ethan’s voice was as calm as their grandfather’s. He was the strong, silent type and was usually willing to yield to his grandfather’s unreasonable demands out of respect. His speaking up should show Chandler how strongly he felt about their father being passed over, but that assumed Chandler would care.

Their grandfather narrowed his eyes. “That’s my decision, and it’s been made.”

Derek’s narrow-eyed expression mirrored their grandfather’s. “Only you would expect me, Trent, and Quinn to give up everything we’ve worked so hard to build even though you know we can’t just walk away from our businesses for a year and expect them to survive. Quinn has a shipping empire that mandates daily oversight. Trent has an entire legal practice to run. And I have more than a hundred employees, contractors, and clients depending on my masonry and building company.”
